The Latest in Retail, Entertainment, and Development in Raleigh Fri, 05 Aug 2016 19:37:11 +0000 hourly 1 Ted Thu, 19 Feb 2015 03:35:00 +0000 PDQ opened in Durham, at Patterson Place. They have a total of 4 in the Triangle currently.

PDQ opened in Durham, at Patterson Place. They have a total of 4 in the Triangle currently. Timothy Naomi Sat, 29 Nov 2014 02:15:00 +0000 I'll be interested to see if Raleigh ever gets an MLS soccer team. It seems like a no-brainer to me. You have a huge soccer knowledgeable community here with plenty of tradition, you already have a soccer specific stadium in Cary that seats 10000, and could easily be expanded to the 18-20000 range that you would need for MLS, and there are plenty of potential owners here with the required net worth by the league. Not to mention we already have a successful NASL franchise that could easily make the jump to the highest tier. I'm baffled with MLS's fascination with expanding into markets like Atlanta and Miami, which have always been dicey cities for supporting a professional sports franchise.

I’ll be interested to see if Raleigh ever gets an MLS soccer team. It seems like a no-brainer to me. You have a huge soccer knowledgeable community here with plenty of tradition, you already have a soccer specific stadium in Cary that seats 10000, and could easily be expanded to the 18-20000 range that you would need for MLS, and there are plenty of potential owners here with the required net worth by the league. Not to mention we already have a successful NASL franchise that could easily make the jump to the highest tier. I’m baffled with MLS’s fascination with expanding into markets like Atlanta and Miami, which have always been dicey cities for supporting a professional sports franchise. madisonj Tue, 25 Nov 2014 00:28:00 +0000 LOVE that they are finally developing kidds hill. HATE that they are putting in apartments. How many freaking apartments does that area need? And the Soliel corner, c'mon already, put something something there, it really bring that area down.

LOVE that they are finally developing kidds hill. HATE that they are putting in apartments. How many freaking apartments does that area need? And the Soliel corner, c’mon already, put something something there, it really bring that area down. DougInNC Sat, 22 Nov 2014 15:29:00 +0000 For the Raleigh movie prediction, there were scenes from Iron Man 3 that were filmed in Raleigh. I'll give you partial credit on that one.

For the Raleigh movie prediction, there were scenes from Iron Man 3 that were filmed in Raleigh. I’ll give you partial credit on that one.