The Latest in Retail, Entertainment, and Development in Raleigh Thu, 07 Apr 2016 15:31:47 +0000 hourly 1 DougInNC Sat, 22 Nov 2014 16:01:00 +0000 A voting trend that is not a revelation: the Progressives win the metropolitan areas like Wake County. This also shows itself nationally with the coastlines voting differently than the interior, broadly speaking. But the views by county and country are not nearly as revealing as the voting maps of Virginia, where cities, e.g. Roanoke, are separately-reported voting districts from the county that surrounds them. Study a voting map of VA (beyond D.C.) and you see tiny islands of liberalism inside a sea of conservativism. I like your notion that local votes might take a different tact than national votes. Today I can't see the evidence of this within the individual voter, but I definitely see it in the voting from densely-populated areas versus the voting from suburbs and rural areas.

A voting trend that is not a revelation: the Progressives win the metropolitan areas like Wake County. This also shows itself nationally with the coastlines voting differently than the interior, broadly speaking.
But the views by county and country are not nearly as revealing as the voting maps of Virginia, where cities, e.g. Roanoke, are separately-reported voting districts from the county that surrounds them. Study a voting map of VA (beyond D.C.) and you see tiny islands of liberalism inside a sea of conservativism.
I like your notion that local votes might take a different tact than national votes. Today I can’t see the evidence of this within the individual voter, but I definitely see it in the voting from densely-populated areas versus the voting from suburbs and rural areas. ct Sat, 08 Nov 2014 19:29:00 +0000 The fact is, more than half the bits flowing across the Internet in the U.S. are video. Billions of dollars of capital investment are required to move those bits. The service providers who pony up the cash for the networks can either (a) jack up everyone's rates to generate an economic return on those investments, or (b) two-tier the system (which, in effect, they have done already by offering higher speeds; hardly anyone except video streamers needs the higher speeds), or (c) divert some of the traffic into their own servers. So take your pick. I stream very little video, other than YouTube. I don't want my rates run sky high so that my neighbor (as an example) can stream Netflix all day and all night. Bear in mind, the Democratic candidates for Wake County Commission pulled exactly the same percentages (54-56%) as Kay Hagan did in Wake County. Those numbers are quite consistent. But does it matter whether the Wake County Commission is 4-3 Democrat or 7-0 Democrat? Not much. All that matters is who has the majority. There is very little cross-voting on the Commission. I wouldn't agree that Hutchinson was the leader of the Democrats running for the Commission. What evidence do you have for that, beyond perhaps assertions from the Hutchinson camp? By the way, school board tax proposals went down hard in Democrat-dominated Guilford and Mecklenburg counties. The new Wake commissioners don't have a blank check. Sorry but the Wake County Commission has little or no influence on what happens at the Council of State on Dix. Only one seat of the Wake delegation to the General Assembly changed party. Deemphasis of sprawl? You're living in dreamland. Too much money is being made OTB for it to stop. For every unit of housing ITB, there are still more than 4 being built OTB.

The fact is, more than half the bits flowing across the Internet in the U.S. are video. Billions of dollars of capital investment are required to move those bits. The service providers who pony up the cash for the networks can either (a) jack up everyone’s rates to generate an economic return on those investments, or (b) two-tier the system (which, in effect, they have done already by offering higher speeds; hardly anyone except video streamers needs the higher speeds), or (c) divert some of the traffic into their own servers. So take your pick. I stream very little video, other than YouTube. I don’t want my rates run sky high so that my neighbor (as an example) can stream Netflix all day and all night.

Bear in mind, the Democratic candidates for Wake County Commission pulled exactly the same percentages (54-56%) as Kay Hagan did in Wake County. Those numbers are quite consistent. But does it matter whether the Wake County Commission is 4-3 Democrat or 7-0 Democrat? Not much. All that matters is who has the majority. There is very little cross-voting on the Commission.

I wouldn’t agree that Hutchinson was the leader of the Democrats running for the Commission. What evidence do you have for that, beyond perhaps assertions from the Hutchinson camp? By the way, school board tax proposals went down hard in Democrat-dominated Guilford and Mecklenburg counties. The new Wake commissioners don’t have a blank check.

Sorry but the Wake County Commission has little or no influence on what happens at the Council of State on Dix. Only one seat of the Wake delegation to the General Assembly changed party.

Deemphasis of sprawl? You’re living in dreamland. Too much money is being made OTB for it to stop. For every unit of housing ITB, there are still more than 4 being built OTB. Vatnos Thu, 06 Nov 2014 20:48:00 +0000 I couldn't disagree more about your assessment of the National and State politics... democrats knew going in they weren't going to retake the GA. It was heavily gerrymandered against them, and it was a midterm election. They would've needed to carry the whole state by 10 points at least to have a chance, and this is NC, not New England. At best they hoped to gain a few seats and get rid of the supermajorities. As for what type of government is 'best', I'd prefer the government that got us out of the Great Depression, the government that put a man on the moon, the government that oversaw the greatest growth in economic prosperity in this country's history during the 50s and 60s. I'd prefer that kind of government to the supply-side schlock we've gotten from both parties since the 1980s that's eroded the middle class. But that's just me... clearly many other people my age who feel the same way have given up voting entirely at this point.

I couldn’t disagree more about your assessment of the National and State politics… democrats knew going in they weren’t going to retake the GA. It was heavily gerrymandered against them, and it was a midterm election. They would’ve needed to carry the whole state by 10 points at least to have a chance, and this is NC, not New England. At best they hoped to gain a few seats and get rid of the supermajorities.

As for what type of government is ‘best’, I’d prefer the government that got us out of the Great Depression, the government that put a man on the moon, the government that oversaw the greatest growth in economic prosperity in this country’s history during the 50s and 60s. I’d prefer that kind of government to the supply-side schlock we’ve gotten from both parties since the 1980s that’s eroded the middle class.

But that’s just me… clearly many other people my age who feel the same way have given up voting entirely at this point. DougInNC Thu, 06 Nov 2014 16:10:00 +0000 Good analysis in my opinion, with a +1 also from this household. You provide and provoke interesting thoughts while making tangible predictions for Wake County's future.

Good analysis in my opinion, with a +1 also from this household. You provide and provoke interesting thoughts while making tangible predictions for Wake County’s future.