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New Raleigh Sign Ordinance Causing Chaos

DowntownRaleighSigns Last month the City of Raleigh passed a new sign ordinance, leading to some unexpected results. Under the new law small businesses are forbidden from placing any form of signage in their windows (including lit signs, chalkboards, manikins, or any other means of conveying the what products the business sells), but allows large corporations to place billboards on the tops of their buildings.

In downtown Raleigh the new ordinance began an explosion of tower-top billboards. Duke Energy spokesman Maximillian Thompson said,”After Red Hat showed us that a tower-top sign can be tastefully executed, we began discussions with Raleigh City Council members. They unanimously agreed with us about Red Hat’s sign, and agreed that if every business placed a similar sign on their building, there shouldn’t be any problem.”

The results from the new ordinance have been mixed. A local realtor said,”a city councilor said publicly that my sign was tacky? This is an abomination. The new signs downtown are so ugly that it is causing people to not just wreck their cars, the cars are spontaneously bursting into flames. It’s even worse than a snow day around here.”

Only one Raleigh City Council member would speak to gogoraleigh about the issue, only offering,”Hey, it’s not like our mayor was rigging land values to get light rail funds from Washington and taking bribes on multiple occasions. All I got was a free home renovation…. Oh, wait. Aren’t we talking about the Charlotte mayor thing?”



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  • Doro Said:

    Hey. It’s Doro. Thanks for finally making some sense. By the way. I did not say that… But, I will if you like. That fight cost me over $20,000, not to mention the cost of the sign. (And the one i removed to try to make them HAPPY) It cost the neighborhood exactly $0 to cause all that crap! This is just ludicrous. I do appreciate the support. I’m happy to be the poster child. The sign is a little more obnoxious than I expected it to be when I ordered it! But, by then, it was mine. And It still met the ordinances. I’ve got to say those people are very unkind!
    The sign will be back.

  • dmccall Said:

    Hey, Doro. SO sorry you’ve had to go through all that you have with this. I appreciate your commenting on my April Fools post, but it isn’t all a joke. There is definitely a double standard with the city’s approach to legislating “appropriate” when it comes to signage. Just know that I’m pulling for you (like I have for decades now!)

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