The Latest in Retail, Entertainment, and Development in Raleigh Mon, 24 Aug 2015 02:32:00 +0000 hourly 1 Dennis Fri, 15 Apr 2011 08:06:09 +0000 What is up with this role model argument? Does everything have to be a role model? She is just a performer, she doesnt promote anyone to steal, cheat or have lascivious sex or promiscuity. She is very fun to watch and I would enjoy seeing her perform. Some people need to get off their high horse for a change and just enjoy life some.

What is up with this role model argument? Does everything have to be a role model? She is just a performer, she doesnt promote anyone to steal, cheat or have lascivious sex or promiscuity. She is very fun to watch and I would enjoy seeing her perform. Some people need to get off their high horse for a change and just enjoy life some. Fraiser Lyon Thu, 14 Apr 2011 23:10:05 +0000 As a former Nashvillian I will say that Ke$ha has done a great many things for the city after the flood. I would say that she is at least as good of a role model as the man who was President for much of my formative years. I won't date myself but let's just say he took advantage of very young girls and lied about it. Ke$ha on the other hand just sings about partying and dresses oddly.

As a former Nashvillian I will say that Ke$ha has done a great many things for the city after the flood. I would say that she is at least as good of a role model as the man who was President for much of my formative years. I won’t date myself but let’s just say he took advantage of very young girls and lied about it. Ke$ha on the other hand just sings about partying and dresses oddly. Dana Thu, 14 Apr 2011 21:34:44 +0000 ...Because she makes more than 99.9% of all adult Americans each year. Monetary systems were devised to place a value on one's services. Therefore there is a converse understanding that wealth accompanies the society's value. So, if you are an example of things a society values, then you are by definition a role model. The confusion stems from money's general implications of value when the recipient was actually intended for a specific service. Since we cannot assign specific allocations for money one receives, the general flexibility of one's wealth comes with an understood agreement of owing society more good than the original grant intended. We don't live in a perfect world. However if you are going to be bestowed with lavish wealth for exactly one widely-valued skill, and intend to use that wealth to buy a myriad of society's goods and services, you owe that society a debt of goodness in addition to the services rendered. If you don't like that, then perhaps you should only agree to be paid with some sort of barter that cannot be freely exchanged for goods and services.

…Because she makes more than 99.9% of all adult Americans each year. Monetary systems were devised to place a value on one’s services. Therefore there is a converse understanding that wealth accompanies the society’s value. So, if you are an example of things a society values, then you are by definition a role model.

The confusion stems from money’s general implications of value when the recipient was actually intended for a specific service. Since we cannot assign specific allocations for money one receives, the general flexibility of one’s wealth comes with an understood agreement of owing society more good than the original grant intended.

We don’t live in a perfect world. However if you are going to be bestowed with lavish wealth for exactly one widely-valued skill, and intend to use that wealth to buy a myriad of society’s goods and services, you owe that society a debt of goodness in addition to the services rendered.

If you don’t like that, then perhaps you should only agree to be paid with some sort of barter that cannot be freely exchanged for goods and services. JeffS Thu, 14 Apr 2011 20:43:48 +0000 And why would you think she's supposed to be a role model?

And why would you think she’s supposed to be a role model? Daria Thu, 14 Apr 2011 20:13:12 +0000 She looks like a great role model for the kids.

She looks like a great role model for the kids.