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Tar Heel HOOPla

thh I thought I’d spend a few moments shameless cross/self-promoting. If you are interested in UNC basketball (one way or another), you might be interested in my original blog, Tar Heel HOOPla . The site started 14 years ago as the exclusive home of the UNC Possession Analysis. The PA contains the Points-Per-Possession and Loss of Ball stats for every game since the 1996 season began, as well as some from the 1970s. These stats are simply the best way to standardize the team’s performance and measure their strengths and weaknesses. (For example this current team’s biggest problem is not really turnovers, and it is not 3-point shooting. Don’t listen to the coaches or their mouthpieces on this one!)

The site evolved into a blog which I’ve admittedly only given spotty attention. This season’s team is so surprisingly awful, however, that I have given much attention to their play thus far. It is a fascinating web of problems which I have dissected objectively.

In addition to team analysis I’ve posted my plans for possible Dean Dome renovations, traffic/transit solutions, chronicled the success of Triangle teams in the tournament, and more (there is, after all, 14 years of material there.) I hope you enjoy it!

Link: tarheelhoopla.com

