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EPA Considering Drastic Laws

Carolina Journal has an article revealing some disturbing concepts being considered by the EPA. In an effort to reduce coarse particulate matter in the air, the agency is contemplating a ban on all grills and smokers. They also aim to limit dust production by farmers. Some even suggest that all dirt roads be paved in order to reduce the travel of particulate matter to ditches and streams. (Keep in mind while reading the article that our mental hospitals have gotten smaller through the years, not bigger)

  • JeffS

    So we’ve finally decided on dust regulation as the preferred method for killing off the rest of the independent farmers?

    I heard recently about another invention that was good at reducing dust. They’re called trees. It’s probably just hippie propaganda though. I mean, we wouldn’t be bulldozing them as fast as possible if they were good for anything would we?

    Trees and condoms.

  • John

    Consider the source. Carolina Journal is not a very reliable publication. Just look at this sentence:
    “Some activists are even suggesting all unpaved roads be paved as a way to curb dust creation.”

    What activists? Clearly not the EPA. The Carolina Journal is just being alarmist as they always are.

  • Subway Scoundrel

    I had to check if it was April 1st. A new low for the Popes. Talks about bans on grilling with wood/charcoal in state parks in Colorado and California. You bet there is, but not to stop Climate change. How about to stop wildfires !!!! Yea, like the ones you see on TV. And usually they are lifted when it is not as dry.

    What a joke. Right up there with the Etheridge commercial and two old looser geezers sitting on the porch. (which should just PO many people in the state as even in my old age, I will not be some old dude pissed off at the world because it continued to change and I did not. Ask a pharma exec if he sees himself as one of those old geezers and I am sure they say “No way”. And I was born in NC.

  • David

    There is little in the way of regulation or business climate I would like to emulate in California. Many of the state’s policies are driving their middle-class citizens and business owners right into our red clay-caked hands.

