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Broughton Band Selected to Return to Rose Parade

CongratsWide Congratulations are in order for the Broughton High School band which tonight revealed their invitation to participate in the 2012 Tournament of Roses Parade. This is a true honor for the band as they recently participated in the 2008 parade. This was expected to be Band Director Jeffrey (J.R.) Richardson’s final year teaching. However his announcement before tonight’s homecoming game came as a shock to band members, parents, and alumni alike. Congratulations BHS!

  • Susan DeKarske

    Way to go Broughton!!!

  • Barbara Bono

    Congrats to JR and the BHS band!

  • Sissy

    He says he’s there for 2 more years now!

  • yo

    JR says its a two year process so he will be there for at least another year

  • Paula

    That man will never leave BHS – who’s he trying to kid – LOL!
    Congratulations J.R. :)

  • http://www.mmipublicrelations.com Michelle

    That’s Awesome! Way to go Broughton – we will be cheering you on!

  • http://www.mmipublicrelations.com/blog Brittney

    This is great news for BHS and Raleigh schools. It’s nice to see schools from our area represented in the Rose Bowl parade.

  • BHS band alum

    yeah… JR is never gonna leave. His last year was gonna be the year after I left… and he’s still there!!
    congrats on the parade.. again!!

