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Party Tonight with the R2D2 Droid

r2d2 At 10pm tonight the Verizon store at Brier Creek will be holding an R2D2 Droid release party. The special version of Verizon’s popular Android phone features markings of the most famous droid of all on its back. The store will stock 200 of these limited edition phones, and customers are limited to two each.

For those interested in other Android phones, you may find a confusing array of choices across the four carriers. Don’t feel bad. There are 26 different Android phones that have been in the conversation this year. Not sure what carrier has the Captivate, the Vibrant, or the G2? Never fear! gogoraleigh has created The Ultimate Android Spreadsheet to straighten all of this out. This sheet was discussed recently on both Engadget Mobile’s and (C|Net’s) Buzz Out Loud’s podcasts because it shows the price levels, brand names, availability dates (of upcoming phones), and distinguishing features of the current Android phone market. Hopefully it will help others as much as it helped me in beginning my search for the next phone.,

  • MikeB

    Heh, its too bad my boss didn’t know about this event. His newly constructed Halloween costume would have been the perfect fit:

    Some of the new android phones are nice but I’ll be holding out until the new year when VZW starts carrying Windows Phone 7.

