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Procter Featured in Guideposts

Emily If case you are stuck in a doctor’s reception area or old-folks home, be sure to check out the August 2010 issue of Guideposts magazine. The feature this month CSI: Miami star and Raleigh native Emily Procter. There is a nice article titled “What Inspires Me”. Disappointingly it is not about Emily’s lifelong crush on the boy two-doors-down. Instead it is about her friendship with a wheelchair-riding homeless man named Jim. Emily has done a superb job of keeping her feet on the ground in a city and industry full of insanity. People like Jim are the ones who have reminded her about what really matters.

  • Joe


    You delivered a slight backhand to Guidepost in your intro(“doctor’s offices and old folks home”)that I want to correct. It is found in thousands of homes and is an inspiration and devotional guide to millions.

    Check it out.



  • Subway Scoundrel

    Maybe Joe, but for most people, it is seen in Dr.’s office and I usually skip over it and go for the news mag while I wait for my bloodletting.

  • RonT

    Shouldn’t Joe disclose his relationship with this magazine?

