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DOCSIS 3.0 Coming to Raleigh

docsis3 A discussion at dslreports’ message boards reveals that several Time Warner Cable representatives have confirmed that their DOCSIS 3.0 service is coming to Raleigh in November. The service, which recently went live in Charlotte, provides internet access speeds of 50Mb down/5Mb up, about 10X the current speed of basic Road Runner services in Raleigh. The service is said to cost $99/mo, but will be in package offers, too. For example the SignatureHome deal is $179.95 for 12 or 24 months on contract (renewable for another 24 months) including 2 Whole house DVR’s, RoadRunner Wide Band, and Unlimited Phone.

  • Tom Woolf

    Back in March I sent an email to a TimeWarner support person (one I had contact with in the past, and both trust and hold in high regard) asking about plans for RoadRunner. She contacted one of their tech specialists, who responded back to her:
    “Subject: RE: What plans does TimeWarner have for increase speeds?

    Pat, we are expecting to roll out DOCSIS 3.0 this year – it is currently anticipated to release in Q4. I am unsure of the exact upload and download speeds that will be available in our market, but I can tell you that DOCSIS 3.0 will allow for considerably faster RoadRunner speeds.

    The cable-based ISPs that are offering the 100Mbps download speeds in the CNet article below are almost certainly already running on the DOCSIS 3.0 standards.

    I hope this helps. Let me know if you require my assistance, as it is always a pleasure working with you!”

  • Kevin

    $2200 a year for the SignatureHome, that ain’t bad. I mean, this stuff is a necessity.

    I’ve never really been that pissed off about RR download speeds, but their 384kbps upload speed for standard RR is shameful. I actually wait till I’m at work before trying to upload photo albums. It’s 2010 and so many Americans still can’t share their content with ease.

  • ct

    Will be interesting to see if TWC imposes gigabit-per-month limits like some other cable companies have tried to do. Clearly they’ve priced DOCSIS 3.0 as a premium service — will be interesting to see if AT&T drives down prices in response, or if we’re about to have a long-term duopoly.

  • Matt

    Remember their speeds are only “Up To” – no CIR. I can rarely even get over 1Mbps on my Roadrunner Turbo but at work I get 10Mbps+ for the same download. I have moved a few times, same thing.

    Also realize that those packets going to and from the bandwidth testers can easily be prioritized to give you falsely high reading by TWC. Everyone uses them and they are most likely BS.

    This will probably just end up as being another marketing ploy and we will end up with the same thing, just less in our wallets.

  • JC

    Only 1Mbit, that is sad and I would check your equipment… again and again…

    I have consistently had published down and up speeds posted… 7Mbit and even 10Mbit now that I am paying for that… constantly get it everywhere when downloading large files… 1.2+MBps sustained for the entire time besides the laughable 2-3MBps for the first second or so Powerboost is allowed to last until it hits its 30MB limit.

    TWC is about 5-10years behind the competition in most markets but we are locked here and sub broadband speeds. To qualifiy for broadband FCC requireds at least 4Mbps down/1Mbps up so we don’t have broadband in Raleigh save for Uverse if you can get it and are close enough to get the best speeds.

  • Nunyabiz

    I get on average 15,000Kbp/s (15Mbp/s) and sometimes get up to 28,000Kbp/s although always get just 350Kbp/s upload in Raleigh and I only pay for the 7Mbp/s package.
    Been wanting to go with WiFi because of laptop and an Ipad we just got but been scared to change anything because I am getting such good downloads speeds and have been for a couple of years now.

