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Tracy Morgan Coming to Goodnights

morgan On Thursday September 2, Tracy Morgan will begin a 6-show weekend at Goodnight’s Comedy Club. This will be one of the last shows before Tracy films his upcoming HBO special, so he will really be on! Tickets are on sale now.

  • kyle

    we saw tracy a few years ago at charlie goodnights and it was one of the absolute worst comedy shows i’ve ever seen. he talked about his tongue in a girls anus for 3/4 of the show. maybe his schtick will be better this time around since he’s getting ready for a comedy special but i wouldn’t get my hopes up.

  • Kevin

    Kyle had to of been at the same show as me. Whenever I tell the story, I like to point out that it was not the “white people” who didn’t get it. Those of Tracy’s race were the first to stand-up and leave.

    The absolute worst show I have ever seen. Never again, I do not recommend.

  • Ben

    That’s carazy!

  • Shannon

    I have to agree with everyone else. I went to that show and it was the worst I’ve seen at Goodnights or anywhere else. The entire show was about anal sex and he was clearly drunk. When people started to leave he even started to complain that we thought we’d get the Tracy from SNL and we saw that the sign said “mature”. Kevin is right. It had nothing to do with race (I’m Black) it was just really, really bad. I will never go to another of his shows. I am sure it will be nothing like 30 Rock Tracy so save your cash.

  • JeffS

    We saw him at Goodnights as well and it was horrible. I forget what the running Dic* reference was, but it wasn’t funny and he said it at least 50 times.

    He’s either had too much to drink or not enough.

