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Evernote Meetup Planned for Next Week

evernote It’s easy to fall in love with Evernote , the cloud-based note organizer. There is a desktop application as well as a slew of mobile apps for entering and quickly finding notes one has made. Use-cases include corralling perpetual shopping lists for certain stores (ie. Home Depot, Grocer, Office Depot, Costco…), lists for CDs to hear, movies to see, shows to watch, wines you loved, as well as a perfect clipper/organizer for recipes.

The list of use-cases goes on. That’s why some Evernote fans in the area are organizing a meetup on Wednesday, June 23 at the Tribeca Tavern where even more use-cases can be bounced around. More information is online as well as on Twitter (#CaryEvernoteMeetup hashtag). Please signup today so that the group can get an organizer party pack from Evernote.

  • MikeB

    I’ll be the guy outside picketing with OneNote placards.

  • Dana

    haha! I love OneNote for sitting down and doing formatted notes. However for all of the applications I mentioned, I like Evernote’s accessibility from my phone in stores.

    I have to say that the idea of using OneNote on a Windows 7 tablet PC (which enables one to record the lecture synchronized with the notes taken, then playback parts of the audio based on when a portion of the note was written) almost makes me want to go back to college. I can’t imagine how much more efficient I’d be studying with class notes taken in OneNote. Here is a video of what I’m talking about:

