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EVO Hits Today

sprint-htc-evo-4g The HTC EVO went on sale this morning. The phone, only available on Sprint, is the latest Android phone that trumps the iPhone (for now at least). Along with having a replaceable battery, a free range of apps, a decent carrier network, the possibility of Flash support soon, freedom from iTunes, multitasking, a kickstand, “unlimited” data, desktop widgets, miniSD memory expansion, the ability to mount as a drive, video chat, tethering, and multi-notifications, this phone runs on the 4G data network. The network is reported to be 8X-10X faster than 3G. Some tech reporters, in fact, are saying that now is the time for people to consider dropping their land data lines and going to a tethered 4G phone instead.

4G service is only available in 33 cities. New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Boston, Washington, Miami, Denver, and Pittsburgh are among the cities that don’t have coverage, but Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill do! The full list of included cities is after the break:

  • Abilene, TX
  • Amarillo, TX
  • Atlanta
  • Austin, TX
  • Baltimore
  • Bellingham, WA
  • Boise
  • Charlotte
  • Chicago
  • Corpus Christi
  • Dallas/Ft. Worth
  • Greensboro (+ Triad)
  • Harrisburg, PA
  • Honolulu
  • Houston
  • Kansas City
  • Lancaster, PA
  • Las Vegas
  • Lubbock, TX
  • Maui
  • Midland/Odessa, TX
  • Milledgeville, GA
  • Philadelphia
  • Portland
  • Raleigh (+ Triangle)
  • Reading, PA
  • Salem, OR
  • San Antonio, TX
  • Seattle
  • Temple/Killeen, TX
  • Waco, TX
  • Wichita Falls, TX
  • York, PA

This year Sprint plans to expand to markets like Boston, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Denver, Los Angeles, Miami, Minneapolis, New York City, Pittsburgh, Salt Lake City, San Francisco, St. Louis and Washington, D.C.

  • jbroome

    And a battery life shorter than the attention span of a four year-old hopped up on pixie stix.

    • http://www.danamccall.com Dana

      Can’t be worse than the iPhone. There is just no way. At least you can take backup batteries that don’t make you look like an idiot with you, and at least you can turn off unneeded radios in less than 26 button presses.

  • Kevin

    Nah, battery life will get you through a full day of reasonable use.

    I’ll probably trade up my HTC Hero for one of these soon.

  • Dana

    Can anyone out there with an EVO talk about their battery life? At this point it looks like the only real hindrance. It’s hard to tell what is real in this age of fanboy/hateboyism.

  • Nick

    That’s a microSD card, not miniSD…

