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Food Market Coming to Bickett

The Site Plan (.pdf) has been submitted for a new food market on Bickett Blvd. The 3,875 square foot market is in the former site of Bickett Galleries, near Bickett and Fairview.

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  • DPK Said:

    Seems like an odd location for a food market.

  • VaNC Said:

    My understanding is that the guys at Southport Seafood are behind this. They will be offering their seafood, which in my experience is some of the best around, as well as meat, eggs, etc. from other vendors…possibly Coon Rock Farms too.

    So, it is not really a general food market, but a seafood and meat place, but locally sourced.

    I am looking forward to it.

  • Dana Said:

    That’s GREAT news, VaNC!!

  • VaNC Said:

    The only thing that would make it better, would be for them to start offering steamed shrimp, crabs and beer on picnic tables off that back deck, overlooking the city skyline.

    Hey, a girl can dream, can’t she?

  • VaNC Said:

    Here ya go: http://www.bickettmarket.com/

  • JasonS Said:

    we are very excited to bring the bickett market to the downtown area. We will be contacting the CAC chair soon to set up the next meeting so we can come and discuss the business plan in more detail and get everyone excited about the store. We are sourcing everything local and we are doing it on neighborhood scale. We encourage all input so we can carry the products that you want to buy. Look forward to presenting the plans to everyone soon. Thank You.

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