
Harris Teeter at North Hills Making Changes

The new Harris Teeter at North Hills East opened a month ago and the customers’ responses to the 2-story fiasco have been extremely negative. According to Sue Stock , Harris Teeter is responding by moving some stock around. Soon, the store will swap the Floor 2 locations for cereal, juice, and baking with the Floor 1 locations for wine and flowers.

Unfortunately there is no word on changes to the parking garage, parking surface lot, lack of an escalator, small elevator, and placement of cafe tables adjacent to feminine hygiene. Howevver this is a start.



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  • North.Raleigh.Guy Said:

    I don’t think Harris Teeter has the ability to make changes to the parking garage and parking surface lot. They are likely limited to only having the power to change things in their own store. That being said, I wouldn’t expect major changes like adding an escalator or larger elevator anytime soon.

  • Ernest Said:

    I have shopped several times there and never had a problem with the layout. Maybe I am an easy to please shopper :) However, I can see why people complained and I believe there is room for improvement. Glad to know that HT is trying to fix things and make the customer experience better.

  • Subway Scoundrel Said:

    Outside of the first time I went there and messed up in the parking garage, and had a off-duty cop yell at me, I have been OK. Those cones that keep you from driving forward once you pull in and make you turn right are for people like me who messed up the first time. On Sunday, I was pulling in correctly and some guy eas exiting out the wrong way. People will get it soon enough.

    I just hope people in Raleigh don’t think this parking lot is too much or the hope for any urbanality is hopeless.

    For the store, I like it and I am OK with where things are. I like the self check-out and I really like the way the fresh food is laid out. I guess some people don’t like it but what can I say.

    As far as comlaining about an escalator, or store itself, that would be great to have an escalator but I refused to complain as I am on a “anti-complaining” kick as I am tired of hearing people complain about everything. (is that a complaining there? or stating a fact ?) I have decided that life is too short to complain and it starts with me so I am not going to go “bloody mad” over an escalator, a parking lot, the fact that something is upstairs, or anything else in the world that people complain about, even when you don’t ask them for thei opinion. Life is too short !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JMHO

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