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Golden Corral Coming to Capital Blvd.

goldencorral[1] The site plan (.pdf) for a new Golden Corral on Capital Blvd was released by the City of Raleigh today. The plan for another location of GC’s Pavilion-style restaurant calls for 14K feet of space with seating for 469 people. What’s really interesting is that the restaurant will be located on the outbound side of Capital Blvd next to Jeffrey’s Appliance Center , and across from Babies ‘R’  Us.

This is great news for a stretch of the corridor which has seen an increase in blight ever since the dawning of Triangle Town Center. No word on what will become of the Mini City GC location (Millbrook and Capital), though a GC employee mentioned the expected replacement of that structure should the Glenwood Avenue replacement be successful.

map it


Showcase of Kitchens Starts Today

Kitchens The Junior League of Raleigh’s annual “Showcase of Kitchens” tour began this morning, and runs thru tomorrow. The self-guided tour of 8 ITB showcase kitchens is an outstanding opportunity to learn about design details as well as see special in-home presentations from local restaurants, retail stores, tabletop designs, culinary demonstrations, and more.

The tour features kitchens on the following streets (. pdf map )

  • Lake Boone Trail
  • Rolston Drive
  • Rand Drive
  • Churchill Road
  • Graham Street
  • Vance Street
  • Oxford Road
  • Chesterfield Road

Show times are: Friday and Saturday from 10am – 4pm. Tickets are $25 per person and are available only at the Will Call house at 3026 Churchill Road ( map it ).


Lilith Releases Raleigh Lineup v1.0

As earlier reported, the Lilith Fair is coming to TWC Pavilion on Wednesday, August 4. While the incredible Sarah McLachlan will be headlining the event, a list of supporting acts for the Raleigh show is out now including:

  • Kelly Clarkson
  • Beth Orton
  • Court Yard Hounds
  • Erykah Badu
  • Indigo Girls
  • Janelle Monae
  • Lissie
  • Nneka

This is just the beginning, however, as more acts will be announced in the ensuing weeks. Tickets go on sale for the concert on Saturday morning.


Asia Playing Memorial Auditorium

asia Prog Rock supergroup Asia will be playing Raleigh’s Memorial Auditorium on Thursday, June 17. Tickets go on sale Monday (5/3), the day before the groups new release, Omega , hits shelves. The group features original Asians Geoff Downes, John Wetton, Steve Howe (wow!), and Carl Palmer.


Introducing, the Raleigh Restaurant Price Book

money pile I’ve been doing some organizing, and figured I may as well share some data with the gogo crowd. After compiling all of our dining expenses in the recent past, I put a list together based on per capita costs of our restaurant trips, and ranked them from highest to least.

This gives a fairly scientific comparison of restaurant prices from the area. There are a few surprises, no doubt, and the list is by no means an indicator of my favorite restaurants in the area. The list will hopefully allow readers to get a feel for how the costs of certain restaurants stack up against others, given fairly constant conditions. The list will live in the new tab that appears at the top of every gogo page, and will be constantly updated as we are out and about. Any thoughts or additions? Feel free to comment at the page’s comment section.


Jonas Brothers/Demi Lovato Coming to TWC


jonas-brothers-and-russell-brand Get ready for some shrieking, because the Jonas Brothers are coming to Time Warner Cable Pavilion with Demi Lovato opening. The show is on October 17. No D8 on tickets yet, but check back ASAP. OMG! TBH, TISA! B4N.


Hanson/Rooney Coming to Lincoln Theatre

On Saturday, July 31 Hanson will be at the Lincoln Theatre with Rooney opening.


Bret Michaels’ Show In Doubt

Former Poison frontman and Celebrity Apprentice contestant Bret Michaels is scheduled for a concert at TWC Pavilion on June 18. Unfortunately he remains in critical condition after a brainstem hemorrhage a few days ago, and the chances of a full recovery within a month seem doubtful. There is no official change in status of the show, which also features Lynyrd Skynyrd and .38 Special. However some changes about this show are sure to come soon. Get well soon BM.


The Eagles Coming to RBC Center

eagles On Thursday, June 17 The Eagles will take a break from their tour of stadium shows and perform at Raleigh’s RBC Center. General public tickets go on sale May 3.


Muse Coming to RBC Center

resistance On Tuesday, October 26 Muse will return for another stellar show at the Starplex (Stadium-Arena Complex). The band wowed the U2 crowd as the opening act back in early October, but this time they will be headlining the RBC Center with Metric opening. Tickets go on sale Saturday, May 1 at 10am via Ticketmaster outlets. It’s been a long way since the Disco Rodeo! Is it going to be weird when Metric plays “Sick Muse”? Hmmm…


Tom Petty Date Changes

At some point the Walnut Creek date for the Tom Petty show changed from May 6 to Saturday, September 18. The opening act is now TBD, as Joe Cocker was originally listed to open the show.


Remodelers Home Tour Runs This Weekend

The 2010 Remodelers Home Tour kicks off today featuring 13 excellent house renovations . The tour runs from 10am – 5pm today and 1pm – 5pm tomorrow.


NCMA Begins New Chapter With Celebration

When You Go…
When venturing out to the NC Museum of Art’s Grand Opening Adventure , there are a few things you should know before going:

Wear comfortable shoes. There is a lot of walking, and some surfaces are not solid and stable. Be particularly careful when the long, winding paved path from the parking lots inexplicably becomes a gravel path. Many older patrons had difficulty in this section.

Take a camera. You can now take photos in the galleries. Don’t use your flash, though. Lighting is excellent in the galleries, so your photos will likely have better results using no flash anyway.

Preview the Grand Opening Program (.pdf). It has a complete schedule of events and highlights some key areas that should not be missed.

You will need a free, Timed Ticket to enter the new West Building this weekend. Tickets are completely sold out for the weekend with the exception of Saturday at 9pm.

Download the mp3 audio tour (121Mb) and Sound Track (21Mb) tour at home before you go . That’s right, you no longer have to rent those crappy audio players the museum offers. You can download the dialogue in advance and listen with your own mp3 player. Additionally the selected exhibits with audio commentary are accessible via cell phone. The call is a local call using normal minutes on your plan. Also be sure to charge your phone before entering.

Plan for Wifi . The facility has free wifi. Be sure to check in with Foursquare or and add #ncmaOPEN to your tweets.

Going during lunch? Plan on eating there. There is a food garden this weekend located between the West and East buildings, behind the giant tent. Vendors include Big Oak Catering, Chubby’s Tacos, Hereghty Heavenly Delicious, Neomonde, Only Burger, and more. They all take credit cards. Iris, the Museum’s new restaurant, is not open during the Grand Opening Festival.

Ladies and Gentlemen….your new N.C. Museum of Art! IMG_8446 Excuse me. That isn’t right. How about this?

IMG_8447 Oh! My bad. How about this?

ArtMuseum Pardon me! There has apparently been some sort of malfunction. I now present YOUR new North Carolina Museum of Art:

20100423-02 Yes. That’s actually it. After 3 years of construction, the museum’s new West Building is finally open. The 127,000 square foot building is the new home for the museum’s permanent collection. Designed by Thomas Phifer and Partners, the $72.2million, one-story building features 362 skylights as well as 50% exterior walls of glass to provide 65,000 square feet of daylit galleries. The building’s heating and cooling systems perform at 45% over ASHRAE standards, and its roof water runs to a 90,000 gallon cistern to irrigate gardens and replenish pools.

20100423-29R There are five courtyards accessible from the galleries, and all are paved with loose grey gravel (so be cautious of unsure footing). The courtyards feature several black fountains in which lilies have been planted. While the design near the building is cold, stark, and industrial, the pattern fades as the properties approach the surrounding grass-covered landscapes.

The hallmark of the West building is the Rodin Court and Gardens, made possible by numerous generous contributions, none greater than those of Iris Cantor. The interior portion of this exhibit finds itself in large node connecting several galleries. Oddly the numerous displays of small Rodin pieces on waist-high platforms are reminiscent of a retail setting.

20100423-17 Elsewhere in the West building galleries holding American, Judaic, European, Classical, African, and Modern portions of the master collection can be found. Highlights include a new “spool of thought” on the Mona Lisa, three Monet holdings, the Standing Hanukkah Lamp, and the chilling “Tar Baby vs. St. Sebastian” (Michael Richards, pictured ). Be absolutely sure that you read the placard for this piece.

The renovated East Building houses the box office, special events, offices, research library, auditorium, and three renovated and expanded exhibition spaces.

There are two schools of thought on the building’s daylit design. One is that a museum design should not distract the patrons and simply provide a framework for appreciating the works in an unbiased environment. By letting as much natural light in and providing a neutral interior, the colors of the works appear as they were intended, and allow a clear interpretation. In order to provide such a light system, a one-story design is used in a setting where land is abundant.

20100423-34 The other school of thought is that the house of great works should also be a great work unto itself, inspiring patrons as future artists no matter the current exhibition.

I tend to be in the second camp. While I personally am more inspired by kinetic arts, the one static art that moves me is architecture. How about the new Taubman Museum of Art ( photo ) in little bitty Roanoke, VA? Pretty inspiring, eh? I saw some works by some Picasso guy in the New York Guggenheim ( photo ) and was completely moved by the building, but can’t tell you much about the art on the walls. OK, that’s an exaggeration. However, it should help to explain how disappointed I am with this building. Clearly the building’s strength is its interior but, to me, it looks like a Crate & Barrel store (yes, Apple ripped them off). It is the coldest building complex I’ve ever encountered, and that includes N.C. State Biochemistry classrooms and several prison facilities in which I worked.

The bleak exterior unfortunately appears to have been stricken with the overwhelming bashfulness that besets this city’s architecture. As we drive our visitors around Raleigh, we will have to omit this $75M investment as it can only be appreciated with a significant investment of time and energy.

While the West building certainly earns the spotlight as the primary facility in the grounds, there is an extreme visual disconnection with the 1970’s era East Building. By no means should the museum have felt that they were locked into the existing visual theme (colors, materials, proportions, etc.). However, the West building should have carried some new reinterpretation of the East building, no matter how minor, in order to tie the complex together visually. The architect missed a fine opportunity to make this a stronger complex than it is.

That said, the overwhelming response from dozens of patrons I encountered was that the facility is a success. The West Building is a result of an incredible amount of work by a talented crew. It is a quality building that affords patrons a quality experience on par with the country’s best art museums. For the entire State of North Carolina, it is a fantastic book with an unfortunate cover that should not be missed by its people and their visitors.

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