The Latest in Retail, Entertainment, and Development in Raleigh Mon, 14 Sep 2015 21:31:00 +0000 hourly 1 Wed, 24 Mar 2010 06:58:47 +0000 I honestly, enjoyed the Princeton. I like a good passing game and find it fascinating to watch. I am bored by fast break and dunk with no respite of a sharp half court offense. It is part of the game.

This year I watched State play one game that really looked good – that was the smart and crisp passing I saw when they took Duke. That said, they have played hard on defense and I like that, too. (Anyone hear how the Sun Devils did this year with their defense?)

The truth is that State is still handicapped by a hangover from V times on the recruiting trail. That probation set us back and only time and consistency in coaching will solve it. Yes, even ten years was not enough for an exemplary coach like Sendek.

All Sid’s chops in the NBA haven’t cracked it, yet. Sid will succeed if the fans and the N&O don’t undermine him. Were I a prospect I’d be leery of playing at State because of fan fickleness.

The N&O always has an undercurrent of glee when flaying coaches (not just State coaches)- all in the name of selling furniture and used cars (Thanks, Caulton). It makes me sick. I am waiting for the same old interference to begin again now that four years are past for Lowe. Oh, but the fan’s whining is “news” they say, as if they don’t work every chance possible to cast a shadow and stench on it – it is good for readership. Will they tell us how well those kids are progressing in school? Will State fans ever take pride in the accomplishment of being an athlete and a student? I am not holding my breath.

]]> Fri, 12 Mar 2010 18:48:50 +0000 Everybody who lived through the Sendek era would probably agree that he was as nice a guy as you could meet. He would have been a great neighbor.
However, his chosen job is very non-forgiving and he had to practice his craft in the toughest neighborhood in the US. And let’s face it, you have to win at least once in awhile against Duke and Carolina if you want to have some longevity here.
Some programs don’t stand at all for loosing coaches (Matt Doherty at UNC, anyone?) and find any reason to fire them.
Herb had an ample amount of time to find a winning formula for the ACC and against his rivals. He failed to do so.
Nobody I know does not wish him well. He just turned out to not be the right person for this job.

Excellent work, Dana!

]]> Fri, 12 Mar 2010 14:32:08 +0000 Remember NC State did not fire Sendek! He left on his own to accept a job that guaranteed him employment longer than he would have received from NC State. Purely a financial decision made to protect the well being of his family. That being said his Princeton style offense was horrible to watch and State Fans were fed up with it. It works because opposing teams don’t want to spend a lot of time teaching players to defend it when they only see 1 or 2 times a year. Bad basketball leads to poor attendance. Just ask our friends at UNC.

]]> Fri, 12 Mar 2010 05:31:18 +0000 I don’t get a lot of these comments. The article is clear about its intent. I totally agree with Dana. Sendek is fast proving at ASU that he’s not a Championship caliber coach nor is he a coach that can put butts in the seats. He’s showing that State fans’ gripes were warranted. I will be very surprised if we ever see ASU win the PAC-10 under Sendek. Case and point ASU was just destroyed by cellar dweller Stanford in the PAC 10 tourney.
Are the Sundevils much improved? Absolutely. Is Sendek a bad coach? No, and State fans should be appreciative of him bringing some respect back to the program after the Loss Robinson era. But to be great, you have to win the conference (once in 10 years too much to ask?), and you have to be competitive with your rivals, something he could never do. And…you can’t blame your lack of acheiving those goals on the arena.

]]> Thu, 11 Mar 2010 23:05:55 +0000 So who are you bitching about now? Sendek, or the critics of the arena?

Are you still trying to prime the pump for yet another arena to be built in town?

]]> Thu, 11 Mar 2010 18:45:46 +0000 Arizona State is 8 miles from downtown Phoenix, Kyle.

]]> Thu, 11 Mar 2010 18:26:47 +0000 This blurb is a joke and written by someone that obviously knows very little about Arizona State University. ASU, for your information, is located in Tempe, not Phoenix. You even said yourself that ticket sales at NC State are less likely to fluctuate. So that sorta negates the whole “repulsive” brand of basketball that was discussed. NC State’s attendance numbers haven’t picked up at all since Herb left and their record is even worse. ASU’s attendance hasn’t increased, YET, but their performance sure has. I’ll take that as a win for ASU! NC State is blessed with being located in a basketball region. ASU is a football/baseball school, but the culture of the basketball program is changing. Attendance will pick up. And as others said, the Phoenix Suns are a huge draw in this market and extremely successful. Also, we live a completely different lifestyle in the desert than you could even imagine. On behalf of Sundevil fans, I can say that we are very happy to have Herb Sendek on board. Only time will tell how everything is going to play out.

]]> Thu, 11 Mar 2010 17:08:34 +0000 If you look at the NCSU numbers, you’ll notice that the average attendance in the RBC Center has never sagged to the CAPACITY of Reynolds Coliseum, 12,400 (much less the number of actually decent seats in the old venue, ~7,000).

]]> Thu, 11 Mar 2010 15:56:53 +0000 Complaining about attendance is not fair to Herb. We all knew the RBC Center would be hard to fill. And so it was. Reynolds Colosseum was (and still is) an incredible place to see college basketball, funky but wonderful; and it was a good size for everyone, everyone but those looking to make more profit from it. I never found the college basketball “product” that Herb brought to be anything but an excellent and well rounded. Most of the student athletes DO NOT go on to pro careers and in that context, what parent would NOT want a quality human like Sendek as the primary influence on their kid while in college? I am not sure what is repulsive about making the best from a bad situation, State is still suffering from the ground lost after V gamed the system. Avie Lester was an A student in HS and flunked out of State – that stuff is what is really replusive about college basketball. I tutored athletes at State around 1990 and I got an earful what V did to get an education for his kids, not. That had to change. Remember how Les brought Todd Fuller along? Todd had a 4.0 in Applied Math until a class slipped by in his last year. Todd became a NBA player and started some. That is the way it should be and Sendek makes it happen. Herb Sendek is nothing but net to me. Been loving how ASU is coming along and follow them closely.

]]> Thu, 11 Mar 2010 14:45:18 +0000 Remember, Phoenix has an NBA team — and a good one. Most ACC schools don’t have to compete with an NBA team in their back yard. Georgia Tech does, and basketball attendance there isn’t great. Ditto for Miami and Boston College. Maryland is an exception, but they have a stronger program (and besides, Baltimore-Washington is the 4th most populous CSA in the nation).

]]> Thu, 11 Mar 2010 13:44:09 +0000 i smell a carolina fan….

]]> Thu, 11 Mar 2010 13:30:54 +0000 I remember at the beginning of this basketball season watching Duke square off against Arizona State in Madison Square Garden and listening to the announcers berate NC State and talk about how great Herb was doing and how bad the Wolfpack have been since he left. Then after ASU got crushed by Duke a stat popped up that showed Sendek’s all time record against the Blue Devils, something like 2-26.

Thats the only stat anyone needs to know.

]]> Thu, 11 Mar 2010 10:43:22 +0000 This is horribly shoddy reporting. Comparing two years and drawing conclusions about Sendek is ridiculous, people get fired in my field for doing a sloppy analysis like this. Show me long term attendance trends (compared to team success and attendance at comparative Pac-10 schools and other Phoenix venues). Show proof that this year is the anomaly and not last year.

]]> Thu, 11 Mar 2010 10:20:10 +0000 Repulsive is exactly the right word, if you’re the one responsible to ticket sales.

Not to let the Pack fans off the hook. They are some of the vilest, most mean-spirited fans in the country toward visiting teams. WITH is a good start towards repentance. This season has to be the turning around point for Sidney, or he’s gone.

]]> Thu, 11 Mar 2010 04:40:52 +0000 I’m a transplant with no allegiance to any individual local college team, and I dispassionately watched the Sendek drama enfold. I figured, like many, that he would find greener pastures in the desert. Thanks for the update.

{That last blurb, “it was his repulsive product”, was kind of harsh. Boring, or unexciting (slightly different than “boring), or mediocre would have been better.}
