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Fixing Olympics QAM Troubles

Channel 17 ran an informative crawl during last night’s Olympic broadcast. It regarded cable customers who get to their HD on NBC by literally tuning the TV to 17.1. If these viewers cannot get their TV to tune into the HD version of the Olympics, they should try rescanning their channels. Incidentally, this also applies for those periodically having trouble tuning their TV ( not their cable box) to 5.1, 11.1, 50.1, etc.

When the TV runs its new channel scan, it will find the hidden channel to which Time Warner has newly assigned WNCN’s HD channel. (Periodically Time Warner will reassign the actual location in the bandwidth where some channels exist in order to get more efficient transmission. The cable boxes and CableCARDs do a fine job of detecting these new addresses, but QAM tuners, which people use when they tune in to 17.1, need to be manually remapped).

  • Kevin

    More efficient transmission? I prefer the conspiracy theory that they’re just trying to annoy QAM users.

  • Lee

    Wow, I can’t beleive that TWC would remap NBC during the Olympics. Are they stupid or do they really just hate their customers?

  • Emma

    I still question WNCN’s use of the crawler for these situations. Why should those of us who do not use Time Warner have to deal with this. Seriously. One of the reasons that I don’t use Time Warner is because of “customer service” like this.

  • http://www.dtv.myncblogs.com NBC 17 ENG

    The QAM switch was in November ’09. We are still receiving numerous inquiries from viewers without Internet connections that have been missing the NBC 17 HD streams on basic Broadcast Cabnle, and therefore the crawl is the only way to reach those people. I have covered the topic extensively on our websites accessable via keyword: DTV

