The Latest in Retail, Entertainment, and Development in Raleigh Mon, 24 Aug 2015 02:32:00 +0000 hourly 1 Tue, 02 Mar 2010 18:14:11 +0000 “Mark and Mike are pretty knowledgeable about football and hockey, but their talent in the basketball is extremely inappropriate for this market”


The move upset me, because I was used to listening to Joe and Adam in the AM. I’m glad they’re on a higher powered station (aka I hate trying to tune into 620), but Mark and Mike are horrible. Their show isn’t put together well, it’s obviously not planned that well as they constantly have problems and mis-cues, and their knowledge on the ACC (the main reason I tune in) is crap.

^^ didn’t really notice it before, but yeah, Hanes’ questions aren’t that insightful to put it nicely.

]]> Tue, 23 Feb 2010 13:37:08 +0000 Too funny Dana :)

I don’t have an issue with Pack radio BUT I had to listen to the Florida game on the radio and I have never heard a worse call of an “end” of a game than that one. It was as deflating as the defeat. In fact — I didn’t even make out that Florida hit the 75 foot shot at the end of the game until at least 10 to 15 seconds after he made it!

]]> Mon, 22 Feb 2010 22:47:02 +0000 Me, too, Lew. Taylor is not as knowledgeable as Adam, but he’s a heck of a lot nicer guy. Steve Logan was the greatest personality the area has ever had on the radio.

BTW, has anyone noticed how bad Tony Haynes post-game questions are? They are things like:
* That was a great steal for the breakaway just before half. Did that give you confidence going into the second half?

* When you hit that three, did that make you feel like you could win this game?

* When your team went through that 8 minute scoring drought, do you think that was key in the loss tonight?

]]> Mon, 22 Feb 2010 22:17:00 +0000 I personally like Mark Thomas a lot but Mike Mani-whatever is AWFUL! If he says during an interview “He is the voice of the Hurricanes … we are blah blah blah” I’m gonna jump off the nearest building.

I can’t believe I’m saying this but I am sooooo happy that Adam and Joe are taking over that spot! Much as I can’t really stand the voices – at least they are familiar and somewhat listenable.

I REALLY miss Taylor Zarzar and Steve Logan! Triangle Sports Radio is definitely at an all time low.

]]> Sun, 21 Feb 2010 02:46:12 +0000 glad to see adam & joe have survived the take over

i miss bomani – he was a hoot

i still miss chris clark

i don’t miss morgan patrick – more of an announcer than a talk show host

]]> Sat, 20 Feb 2010 18:54:53 +0000 I’d be happy if they’d just go ahead and add an extra hour of Primetime with the Packman starting at 3pm instead of 4.

I actually like Mark & Mike – I can’t say I like them better than Mike Greenberg and Mike Golic in the morning, though. I do enjoy their hockey discussion, but I guess that’s just because I’ve gotten so accustomed to hearing Maniscalco’s voice associated with the Hurricanes. I generally only listen to sports radio on the satellite whenever I travel out of town, anyway. I’d rather just hear news and information here locally in the morning (which I can only find on about 2 stations in Raleigh).

I hope they leave David Glenn where he is. He does a good job with the ACC, particularly basketball. It’s challenging for anyone in this market when you’re trying to keep fans of 3 separate schools happy at the same time.

]]> Fri, 19 Feb 2010 02:44:47 +0000 Bomani Jones has a mew radio show on hardcore sports radio that is broadcast on satellite radio.

]]> Thu, 18 Feb 2010 17:07:49 +0000 It’s a good change. Congratulations, Adam. Too bad that Bomani Jones and Morgan Patrick aren’t still on the air.

]]> Thu, 18 Feb 2010 15:35:24 +0000 Sports radio options in the Triangle make me cry… or is it just carry-over pain from year after year of disappointing Wolfpack athletics.

This just cements Primetime with the Packman for me on the drive home. I’m too tired in the morning to care.

]]> Thu, 18 Feb 2010 15:25:31 +0000 Now, when can we replace Maniscalco as host of the Canes pregame and postgame shows? Someone who actually has more than limited hockey knowledge and is not a blinding homer would be preferable. :)

]]> Thu, 18 Feb 2010 15:19:13 +0000 It’s about time,Mark and Mike, while they do know football and really, really try to speak about hockey in a non annoying way, are college basketball buffoons at best. In addition,they try to be funny in order to fill up air time but they fail miserably. It’s great to see Adam and Joe back where they belong;kudos to management. A word of advice to Mark and Mike start getting some sleep and/or new material.
