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Wood To Marry Manson?

Reports out of Hollywood this morning are that Raleigh native Evan Rachael Wood is now engaged to Marilyn Manson after his on-stage proposal in Paris last night. The couple has been on and off for the last 4 or so years, and during that period his relationship with Evan’s family has been very nice. During one of those “on” periods, in fact, Manson was here and made an hilarious cameo appearance in Theatre In The Park’s “A Christmas Carol .

Wood’s stepmother has the most incredible photo I’ve ever seen. It features Manson and Evan, along with her father and stepmother, in front of Cinderella’s Castle. The photo could easily hang in an art gallery, as the the incredible juxtaposition of such different people, placed in that environment, is rarely seen in real life.

If reports are true, then congratulations to Wood and her family!

  • Sarah

    I was pretty sure that that “cameo” wasn’t actually Manson. I thought it was someone just dressed up as him.

