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LiveNation Agrees to Operate Downtown Amphitheater

The long-awaited downtown amphitheater will take a giant step toward becoming a reality tomorrow. City Manager Russell Allen will ask the City Council for a $1.6million appropriation for construction of a 4,200 seat amphitheater in the empty lot that once was home to Sir Walter Chevrolet, adjacent to the Raleigh Convention Center. LiveNation will operate the facility with the intent to bring 15 to 20 shows during the summer. For more information see WRAL’s story .

The only real question that remains is whether or not the Boylan Heights community will be tolerant of the city’s newest venture toward progress.

  • http://ncsulilwolf.blogspot.com Lisa Jeffries

    I’d be totally ok with this I knew 100% that Live Nation isn’t getting swallowed up by Ticketmaster in the near future.

  • Dana

    To go without LiveNation would mean that this amphitheater would be shut out of getting the concerts we actually want to see. The city was made an offer it couldn’t refuse.

  • CG

    It will be interesting to see if this venue will adversely affect Cary’s Koka Booth Amphitheatre.

  • hackles10

    Koka Booth has been adversely effected by the City of Cary…the number of concerts there has dwindled as of late, and all of them are at low volume. They will find success with food and wine events, symphony events, outdoor movies, etc.

  • John

    I am anxious to see the amphiteater get built. This is great news that the project is moving forward. It’s just another puzzle piece to a vibrant downtown! As for Boylan Heights, it would amaze me if they tried to block it since the live next door to a maximum security prison and an active railroad track.

  • http://www.danamccall.com Dana

    “Councilman Thomas Crowder also expressed concerns about noise for nearby neighborhoods. That will be studied in the preliminary design plan.”

    That’s from this Aug 4, 2009 article:

  • RaleighRob

    Well, for sure, they should design the facility in order to absorb noise as best as possible. Not just for Boylan Heights but for downtown proper, Shaw, and so forth. If it’s possible to design it in a way that most noise goes south, that would be best.

    As far as competition to Koka Booth, it’s possible. When thinking of a cool place to hear live music, downtown Raleigh–with its bars and restaurants in walking distance–will trump bland car-oriented suburbia any day.

  • Subway Scoundrel

    Build it !!! I don’t care that it is Livenation even though I have had reservations in the past. For Crowder, I know this may not be popular but please get him out of there. His time is up. Go design something from a paying customer that will change Raleigh instead of trying to change Raleigh one vote at a time or bandstanding at the City council meetings. JMHOs

