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UNC Unveils Kenan Expansion Plans

kenan1 The Rams Club has put together a new site demonstrating plans for expanding the 60,000 seat Kenan Stadium. The addition will replace the 1927 Spanish styled original field house with a complex housing “premium†seating, a student-athlete center for non-revenue sports, a new academic center for athletes, and new visitor locker rooms. The project will cost about $85 million and is expected to begin within the next two years.


  • Subway Scoundrel

    Wow !! They have that many more “handwashers” at UNC to buy those tickets, many of them high end seats ? LOL !! Sorry, just could not helf myself on that one !!

  • Justin

    Shouldn’t they consistently (meaning more than just this year) sell out their stadium before they go off making these sorts of commitments and expansions? There’s usually a lot of aluminum in that place. But, if they’re going to, this looks to be pretty nice – much better than the Taco Bell that’s there now.

    (I’m a State fan, can you tell?)

  • Dana

    Funny, SS!

    Well, Justin, all I have to say is that seats, arenas, and stadiums don’t win games. All we have to do is look to West Raleigh for proof 😉

    Seriously though, the _promise_ of bigger things ahead is what gets alumni excited. Carolina isn’t winning any more games than they did with Dick Crum, but the idea of bigger days ahead is what really drives football. It is an inane sport that rewards everything but the players currently on the field.

  • Justin

    Haha, the obligatory 41-10 reference goes here. 😉

  • Taylorwufpack

    The NC State and Virginia Tech fans will appreciate being able to buy more tickets. THose are the only two games that fill the stadium each year, though it seems like the Virginia team has set up permanent residence, too.

  • John

    Shouldn’t this be in a gogochapelhill site instead?

  • John

    The real impetus here is that nothing bothers the Carolina faithful more than NC State having something nicer than they have. They’ll never admit it though.

  • Sue

    LOL @ John and Justin…

  • CarnifeX

    I’m curious how they justify selling seating in an endzone as “Premium”? The views from the endzone are typically not the greatest.

  • John

    I was thinking the same thing CarnifeX. I’d never pay a premium for end zone seating as long as the ACC remains mediocre in comparison to the SEC and Big Ten. I’d imagine that these would be “premium” seats at Ohio State, Florida or Michigan. Don’t get me wrong, I am a huge ACC fan. I am just honest about the prestige (or lack thereof) of most of our football programs. This is especially true in North Carolina.

  • Jason

    Well, after yet another debacle against UVA, I’d say the UNC-CH football program has been set back by 3 years. Is it basketball season yet?

  • Dan

    The ACC is mediocre to the Big 10? Do you even watch college football John?

    This will be good for UNC football. The wine and cheese crowd will love these “premium” seats. Not the best location at the end zone, but still and upgrade for the stadium. A much better idea then adding 10,000 bleacher seats that they couldn’t sell tickets for.

