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TWC Rolling NHL Center Ice Preview

From Friday until October 24, Time Warner Cable will be rolling their NHL Center Ice package for free on channels 431-444 and HD on Channel 745. This season the package not only includes all of the league’s televised games (subject to blackout for Canes games), it includes the Mosaic Channel, a 4-screen composite channel showing 4 currently played games. There will also be the Stat Channel, Dual Feed Channel (showing the away feed when available), and Replay Channel, which shows a replay. The service costs $171 for the season.

  • Thomas

    A number of my friends have this NHL package, they rave about it (especially for that price). Thanks for the update, seriously considering this package.

  • Subway Scoundrel

    I have had it for 4 years on Direct TV. What I like is I can go to any game on most nights and watch some hockey. Maybe for 4 minutes or maybe for 3 hours, you get almost all the games (not game on Vs.)

  • david

    With Vs. not on directv anymore will the center ice package have the games?

  • http://www.jonathanhawkins.net Jonathan Hawkins

    If you have Direct TV call them and ask for customer retention. They are giving many people FREE Center Ice for this season to make up for the lack of Versus.

