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The Week Ahead

As summer dies down, the schedule seems to get busier. Monday begins Downtown Restaurant Week, which is a great way to get out and explore some of the great downtown restaurants. The Wake County Public Schools return to the class on Tuesday. On Thursday Tim Wilson begins his stay at Charlie Goodnights while The Embers play at North Hills. The NC Museum of Art begins one of its last features before its Winter hiatus. Gone With The Wind will be the outdoor movie as well as the theme for many features around the NCMA all weekend. Next weekend marks La Fiesta del Pueblo as well as the Body, Mind, Spirit Expo at the fairgrounds. Sunday is the big day for Friesen’s 5K Fun Run as well as this year’s Kenny Chesney show at Walnut Creek. See more details at the gogoraleigh Google Calendar . Let’s go do it!

  • http://ncsulilwolf.blogspot.com Lisa Jeffries

    Never a dull moment here! I like the Sunday Summary for the week ahead :-)

  • Charlie

    That calendar rocks. You should totally make it subscribable.

    • http://www.danamccall.com Dana

      Thanks so much! Do you mean subscribable via RSS?

