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Tubular Rail Aims At Changing Transportation Game

For almost a century now, the automobile has dominated the American transportation system. Its convenience and low costs shaped American life in ways that few technologies have. There are many movements urging alternative transportation means, citing environmental advantages first. However the alternatives so far have been grossly expensive and difficult to implement into existing development.

Of course there are minor variations on the classic train, but there have been some innovative approaches to elevated guideways. System 21 , SkyTran , and SkyTrolley all have shown their flair for creative elevated guideway ideas. However I recently ran across a concept that is so bizarre, I have to share it with you.

tubularrail It is ironically called “ Tubular Rail ”, and it features high occupancy vehicles with no track, just stanchions! The idea puts motors in each of the stanchions which pass the long, rigid train car on through space to the next awaiting stanchion. The trick is that the train car is three stanchions long.

The concept seems pretty simple, though it left me with many questions, mainly on accomplishing turns. Here is the email exchange that I had with the company’s chairman, Robert Pulliam:

I just read through your website and want to congratulate you for thinking outside the box. We in Raleigh are moving toward a metropolitan public transit service, but every option considered is considerably more expensive than roads, and would simply be a matter of keeping up with the Joneses. I have a few questions, still:

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Sitti Hosting Brooklyn Beer Tasting

brooklyn On Thursday (7/9), Sitti’s courtyard will host a tasting event for Brooklyn Breweries. Special pricing will be available on Brooklyn’s Summer Ale, Lager, Local 1, and Local 2. Tasting flights will be available for $10. Brooklyn Breweries representative Jason Gavin will be present from 5:30pm to 8:00pm to give insight and answer any questions.  As always, the courtyard will remain open until 10pm.


N.C. State Fairgrounds Releases Master Plan

fairgrounds_plan The 2/4/09 draft of the master plan for the North Carolina State Fairgrounds by HH Architecture has been online a little while. Plans seem to call for expansion of the Kerr Scott building, and new exposition buildings behind Scott and next to the new expo building (hopefully with better lighting and interior paint colors). The dramatic changes with the main campus involve a complete redesign of the garden club space and Village of Yesteryear areas. If appears the several new buildings will replace those standing to create the Agricultural Museum Complex. Adjacent to the West Gate will be a new Holshouser Building as well as a gondola that will connect to the east side of the fairgrounds, near the restaurant row, which is slated for removal. Additionally the grandstand will be removed when a new grandstand is built far behind the Scott building, near Trinity Road.

In addition to the main campus changes, massive improvements for the Hunt Horse Complex are proposed, adding 8 barns and 4 show areas.

The pdf files don’t convey a specific timeline for the projects. This is more of a 20-30 year master plan. Nevertheless it is good to see the vision planners have for this property.


Time Warner Cable Prepares Massive SDV Dump

A recent letter from Time Warner Cable announces a massive change that makes the CableCARD technology almost useless. Starting July 28, fifty “lesser-viewed” channels will only be available to customers using tuners that can handle SDV technology.  (This bypass of CableCARD’s functionality is in strict violation to the Telecommunications Act of 1996 , mind you).

Time Warner’s rented set-top boxes will continue to work as they currently do. Customers with TiVo Series 3 units will be able to continue viewing these channels so long as they have one of the SDV adapters supplied by TWC. Hopefully, ATI will indeed be rolling out support for SDV tuning adapters before the October 22 release of Windows 7, but I highly doubt it.

The channels that will be moved over to SDV are:

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Survey Aims At Moore Square Design

I got an email from a couple of people who are working on Moore Square redesign submissions, and they would like for everyone to help them by taking a very simple, quick survey . Please take a minute and help them collect some data!


Pete Yorn Coming to Lincoln Theater

Zowie! In just two weeks Pete Yorn will be playing at the Lincoln Theater. The date is July 18, and Zee Avi opens. This will be a great night as it is the same night Kevn Kinney plays the Pour House.


Umstead Hotel Hosts Thursday Cocktails

Every Thursday evening The Umstead Hotel and Spa hosts a Cocktail Party on the terrace. The events are hosted by Sommelier Justin Tilley and Mixologist Sara Vannice. Each week’s event will explore a new summer-inspired theme, alternating between wines and cocktails. Tilley will feature a flight of 4 or 5 warm weather-friendly wines, and Vannice will offer a flight of 3 cocktails. While guests mix, mingle, and sip, they’ll enjoy informal discussions with Tilley and Vannice about the wines and cocktails, live music, and the gorgeous panoramic view of the lake from the terrace. Reservations are not taken. 5 to 6:30pm; $18 per person

  • July 2: The Godivas (Chocolate, White Chocolate and Caramel Liqueurs)
  • July 9: Wines from the Pacific Northwest
  • July 16: Grand Marnier/ Navan (Liqueur blend made from cognacs, distilled with orange essences/Natural Vanilla Liqueur).
  • July 23: France’s Best White Wines
  • July 30: Domaine de Canton (Ginger Liqueur with eau de vie and Cognac, flavored with fresh Vietnamese Ginger)
  • August 6: California’s Wine Gems
  • August 13: Champagne & Sparkling Wine Cocktails
  • August 20: Refreshing Italian White Wines
  • August 27: Antioxidants: Pama, Pearl, Stoli Blueberi (Pomegranate Liqueur, Pomegranate Vodka, blueberry flavored vodka)

Do You Live Near a Pedophile?

For some reason I’ve been thinking about pedophiles lately. Hmm. Well anyway, just a reminder that the State of North Carolina has a very nice website accessing the sex offender registry . It can be searched by name, zip code, and more. Hopefully the scarlet letter approach will shame future nutjobs from spreading their sickness. Now if only the state would treat murderers so unkindly.


Holliday and Calloway Exit WRAL

Friday was the last day for two veterans at WRAL. After 28 years with the station, Bob Holliday , a sports reporter and weekend anchor accepted a voluntary buyout offer. After eight years at WRAL, Volanda Calloway saw her last day at the station, too.


Bank Of America Installing Drive-Thru ATMs at North Hills

The way North Hills mall approaches the intersection with Lassiter Mill Road has always created an odd triangle of land. It has been used as a small overflow parking lot and a staging area for North Hills construction projects. Earlier this year Bank of America moved from of its doomed building across Six Forks from the fire station to the space in North Hills next to Total Wine. The problem with that space is that it doesn’t provide for drive thru tellers or a convenient ATM.

Construction recently began on the little triangle of land and yesterday it was revealed that it will be remade to house a pair of drive-up ATM machines. While the location is not ideal given its distance from the BOA branch, it is a clever use of a forgotten piece of land that, for over 40 years, nobody has put to good use.

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