
Dean Dome Featured in Movie Trailer

deandome Those watching Game 5 of the NBA Championships the other night may have seen the Dean Dome pop up in a commercial. The spot was a short one for, presumably, the upcoming June 26 release of Transformers sequel, Revenge of the Fallen .

Filmed from the Tar Heels’ tunnel, the spot shows the Smith Center interior from floor level with a graphic overlay of “Will You Be Ready”. After a few quick movie clips of some giant destructive robot playing basketball with humanity, only a release date is given. The ambiguity is intended to spur interest. However because this is a Michael Bay movie, it is likely the last from this production that makes us think.


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  • Lisa Jeffries Said:

    I swear we just saw a trailer on Saturday before Wolverine and I didn’t notice that (nor did my Carolina-lovin’ boyfriend mention it)… maybe we just lucked out and saw a different one ;-)

    Carolina fan or not, that’s pretty cool though.

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