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Blue Jackets Pushing for Arena Buyout

The cash-strapped Columbus Blue Jackets are pushing for the county to buy Columbus, OH’s Nationwide Arena . Business First of Columbus reports:

Nationwide Arena is owned by a partnership of Nationwide Insurance and Dispatch Printing Co., with the insurer holding a 90 percent stake. The Blue Jackets lease the nine-year-old arena and operate it, but revenue from events isn’t covering operating costs , said Blue Jackets President Mike Priest. That’s forcing the club to take money from hockey operations to make up the difference, he said.

The Blue Jackets are proposing the county adopt a “sin tax” (beer, wine and cigarettes) in order for the county to afford the purchase. The nine-year old arena cost $175million to build; all privately financed. Unlike the RBC Center, the Blue Jackets are their building’s only tenant.

  • Subway Scoundrel

    The interesting thing about this is the CBJ org does not get to lease 15 of the 52 suites as Nationwide does that. They get no parking rev or naming rights while having to operate the arena which is driving it to dip into hockey revenues which have been lower due to lower attendance (1st playoff run this year and blistering bad economy in Ohio). With higher salaries with the cap the business model has somewhat soured but no way will the CBJs move. This is just an arena sell by the 2 owners (Nationwide Insurance and The Dispatch media company. The arena was not paid with a special tax like many arenas and I guess they think it is time to do so.

    Columbus is a good hockey market especially now they are out of the expansion blues.

    Good article in the Columbus Business journal

  • John

    Other than both cities having a NHL franchise, what’s the Raleigh connection to this post? I am confused.

  • Subway Scoundrel

    One way is it is just the finances of an NHL. I think the biggest is Pete Karmanos’s first choice to move the Hartford Whalers was Columbus. If he had, that would be the deal he got and some other person may have moved a team here. Felix Sabates tried before PK did. My guess is someone whith less intestinal fortitude or shall I say Brazz Knuckles would not have had the staying power that PK has had. A lesser man would have given up on Raleigh aroudn 2001 or 2004.

    In short, PK/The Whale might have got a better deal and more sucessful in Raleigh.

