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Better Than Ezra Added to Downtown Live

Better_Ezra The final date in the Bud Light Downtown Live free concert season will be headlined by Better Than John Denver Ezra . Opening will be Airiel Down, Adam Pitts, the Urban Sophisticates, and the 96 Rock Garage Band contest winner.

  • MikeB

    Sweet! They are great live… at least they were when I saw them about 12 years ago at the Cat’s Cradle. Anyways, loving the lineup this year.

  • Chris

    MikeB, your comment about seeing them 12 years ago at Cat’s Cradle is very insightful, and just about sums up the entirety of my thoughts about the lineup — the Delorean got its 1.21 gigawatts from the lighting strike on NCSU’s belltower, and transported me back to 1996 …

