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Phone Book Recycling Ends Friday

Special containers set up around the city for collecting used phone books will be retrieved on Friday. The special phone book containers are labeled with bright yellow banners. Please remove the books from any bags, and do not leave any on the ground. Here are the five locations:

  • Kevin

    These bastards should have to drive by my house and pick-up this unsolicited waste of paper. In fact, the City should require them to pay a huge permit fee to leave these things on everyone’s doorstep.

    Sorry, the whole phone book thing really pisses me off, and I get at least four a year.

  • Bob

    The phone book is a service of the telephone company. It is a good thing. Where does this anger come from. You are very intimdating.

  • Kevin

    Haha, sorry Bob.

    Actually, most phone books are not a service of the telephone company but are run by marketing agencies. For example, The Real Yellow Pages. I get one phone company book, which includes the white pages, and about three different yellow page books.

    My frustration is with waste. Wow, to my surprise someone has created an entire non-profit around this: http://www.yellowpagesgoesgreen.org/
    I can’t say I’m annoyed enough to start a non-profit, but it looks like they do a good job outlining most of the reasons I don’t like phonebooks.

    Making up facts here, but I’d bet that 9/10 phonebooks are cycled crisp, in original condition.

  • http://www.danamccall.com Dana

    I see your point, Kevin, especially in this era. Aside from some of the ridiculous “green” posturing going on right now, the internet has made the yellow pages a resource that I never, ever use. Why we are seeing a proliferation of these rogue books is beyond me.

    I quit putting my business in the yellow pages two years ago and never saw a dip at all. White pages are a little bit more helpful, but I just rarely find myself reaching for these books anymore.

  • CarnifeX

    I don’t have a home phone and have had 5 books littered on my doorstep. If a cop saw me throw that same amount of paper on the ground I would think I would get a ticket.

