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Game 6 Game Time Still TBD

Game time for Sunday’s Game 6 all depends on whether or not NYR finish off WAS tomorrow night. If NYR wins, NBC will "settle" for showing our game (nationally) at 2:00 pm. If WAS extends the series by winning, we will be bumped to 7:30.

  • Bruce C

    I bet NBC wishes they had Tuesday night’s game. I, for one, prefer the Forslund/Tracy team on FSS.

    Although, NBC’s HD broadcast of last Sunday afternoon’s Pens/Flyers game looked fantastic. HD serves hockey well!

  • http://www.jonathanhawkins.net Jonathan Hawkins

    Looks like NBC has decided they will not settle for our game after all! Instead they will opt to show poker and outdoor sports if the only alternative is to show us play.


  • NCguy32

    Anybody remember when the 2004-05 NHL season was cancelled? Yeah, nobody cared about hockey back then either.

