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Wake Forest Road to by Widened

In May the City of Raleigh will begin widening Wake Forest Road from I-440 to Hardimont Road. “We will be adding two more lanes, which will greatly relieve congestion in the area,” said traffic engineer Holly Dayin. The city will not actually widen the distance between the curbs, however. The street will be repainted with more, but narrower lanes. Dayin explained,“The extra space between today’s narrower cars is wasted and can be put to much better use.”

  • bocephus gar

    Surely this is an April Fool’s joke.

  • Kathleen

    Didn’t they just do this from Six Forks Road to Spring Forest @ Falls of the Neuse?

  • Bill

    Too late; they already did that. I believe it was exactly one year ago today.

  • W.Chase

    Jesus H, this is just wonderful… It’s a, “rubbin’ is racin'” mindset going up through there anyways. I get scared to death when i’m between a soccer mom in her Suburban and a school bus!!!! “Today’s narrower cars” <– give me a BREAK.

  • Albert

    hahahaha “todays narrower cars”

  • JeffS

    Great… another paving over the sewer grates project.

    As someone who rides a bicycle everywhere I go, I think the people designing these streets deserve a punch in the neck.

