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U2 To Headline Mule Days

There’s been a lot of talk about this next item. (Maybe a little too much talk). Benson’s annual outdoor festival, Mule Days, will be taking it to the next level this year by booking U2 as its headlining band. The concert is free, and in grand Mule Days tradition, will take place at the singing grove near downtown Benson.

U2 was previously thought to be playing at Raleigh’s Carter-Finley stadium, but U2’s tour manager Oliver Clossoff said that news was premature. “We are excited to bring U2’s message to a venue that can more adequately handle the level of technology the show brings.”

  • Victoria

    Yeah, yeah. April Fool’s. And Bono is coming over to my house to play Parcheesi after the show.

  • Lissa

    Nice April Fools prank, there. I almost feel for it – almost. :)

  • lee

    Ouuuu, April Fool’s!!!! nice try!

  • http://www.koehmstedt.com carrie

    LOL – you almost had me there… but I’ve been to Mule Days and there is just no way, no how.

