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Mayor Promises Pearl Necklace

The outgoing Raleigh mayor is concerned about his legacy. Troubled by the growing population and growing traffic problems, the mayor has decided to make rail transit his top agenda. The strategy is to create a rail line with numerous, 1-mile in diameter, dense, new developments.

This concept, known as a “string of pearls” in planning circles, aims to get people out of their cars, and into efficient trains. “If the developments have the right mix, it is conceivable that one could need a car only when they leave town,” said city staffer Diane Toluvia.

This futuristic concept, the mayor claims, would be his biggest legacy to his city. “If I could be remembered as ‘the guy who gave Raleigh a pearl necklace’, it would be my greatest legacy and something my family could cherish for decades to come.”

  • Aaron

    No pun intended

  • W.Chase

    Aaron, well done, sir. Well done.

  • Kevin

    She was really bombed,
    And I was really blown away,
    Until I asked her what she wanted,
    And this is what she had to say:
    A pearl necklace.
    She wanna pearl necklace.

  • Albert

    hahah they keep getting better and better

  • Matt K.

    Wow. Bravo! :)

  • David

    Not sure the family would cherish it but it would definitely be his legacy.

  • Fallis3

    Next month : “Spa Day – Free facials for the ladies!”

