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Local Blogs To Merge

A partnership between some of the area’s biggest blogs has been formed. Gogoraleigh, newraleigh, raleighing, raleighmsa, raleighconnoisseur, and raleighskyline have decided to join together and create one superblog. “We looked at what supergroups like Asia, Damn Yankees, and the Power Station brought to rock, and thought we could do the same for blogging,†said blogger Ben Lyon.

The new blog will be called newgogoraleighconnoisseurskylining.com . Daily features will include redundant photos, concert announcements, and tyrannical rants with which nobody agrees.

  • Ron T

    Well I for one think this is good news. I always feel so bad for Dana when he posts something he calls “new” that I read about weeks ago on one of the other local blogs. Good for you Dana, admit defeat, join them and move on….. ;p

  • unique1

    Yow! April Fools Day

  • http://thekitch.com Kitch

    At least go through the effort of paying 10 bucks for the domain and put a coming soon on it or something. 😉

  • http://mynetworkproject.blogspot.com Andres


    Great one. You had me going at first.

    – Andres

  • http://ncsulilwolf.blogspot.com Lisa Jeffries

    You left Ashton out!! Her daily email/blog is the best of all worlds.

  • RaleighRob

    Not to mention 30threads, raleigh philosophical society, howRDUdoin, goodnightraleigh, etc etc

  • Doug

    I read a bunch of the blogs mentioned but what’s the address or name of “Ashton”?


  • http://vinomundo.blogspot.com Christian

    wow, another good april fools joke. I don’t know which was funnier – yours or varmintbites’ announcement that Grant Aschatz was opening a new restaurant in the former Riviera space. Anyways, for those of you keeping tabs on Raleigh nightlife/lifestyle blogs, be sure to check out Vino Mundo, httP;//vinomundo.blogspot.com

