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Hereghty Closes

Unfortunately the popular dessertery and coffee spot in Glenwood Village, Hereghty Heavenly Delicious has closed its doors.

  • http://raleighphilosociety.blogspot.com Matt

    That’s too bad. That place had VERY good desserts. Just seemed like it was in a bad location for their market. WOuld probably have been better served in a more prominent location.

  • Clay

    Oh no! That place was awesome! Best carrot cake I have ever had! (but yeah, they probably needed a better location really)

  • Stefanie

    Hate to hear it. They had a great cup of coffee and awesome focaccia sandwiches for lunch.

  • Raleighrob

    Definitely a shame.
    I agree with Matt–location was probably a factor. I bet they could have done pretty well in Cameron Village, for instance…no good dessert cafes there right now.

  • http://www.raleighmsa.com Ernest

    Best desserts… period!!! The last three times I went there I found their selection embarrassing. They had run out of desserts, forcing me to leave. I must say that a different location could have done something for them, but the loss of their baker was the big blow, IMHO – that is what I heard from an employee. Let’s hope they reopen in the future.

  • LC

    Although it probably could have done better at Cameron Village, I don’t blame the closing on location. Perhaps inconsistency instead? There were a number of times I remember going there and they were randomly closed with just a sign on the door, which was incredibly disappointing. And when they were open, the selection was terrible! Why even bother staying open if you’re not going to have enough food? I was usually disappointed unless I got there first thing in the morning. I loved their desserts, and Raleigh desperately needs a place like this.

  • Christine

    Their website says: “Please note, the store is closed for inventory and business reorganization.”

    So maybe they plan on reopening? I tried calling and got no answer.

  • http://raleighphilosociety.blogspot.com Matt

    Regarding their selection, one reason (which they obviously didn’t do a good job marketing) is that they didn’t use any preservatives, so they threw out at the end of the day what they hadn’t sold.

  • http://gogoraleigh carolyn

    From what I heard it wasn’t the lack of business that caused Hereghty to close. They didn’t pay their lease because the brother who made all the pastries left town without a word and some equipment. This caused hardship on the remaining. Blood is not thicker than water.

  • Jake

    I tell ya, it’s a tough economy these days for small businesses to stay alive. I too, think they focused too much on the pastries and should have market more on other stuff they were offering too…great coffee, wine, and the sandwiches were pretty good. I hope they bounce back because it is a really nice place to hangout.

  • Esteranh

    That Hereghty place was terrible – very glad it has closed. Husband and I both got very sick there after eating lunch there, and on another occasion, the owner was extremely rude to us. Acted like a 5 year old child. Very unprofessional. Good riddance.

  • js

    Good news! I heard they are going to be re-opening! Yippee! So much for the rumors.

    “If you do not have something nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me.” ~A.R.Longworth

  • http://ncsulilwolf.blogspot.com Lisa Jeffries
  • Trisha

    Carolyn is somewhat correct. Yes there was a big issue with the brother. He didn’t take the equipment. It was repossessed. The pastry chef quit it December. The dough boy quit right after him. None of the employees even knew what was going on or that it was closing. How do I know all of this and more you ask??? I was one of two pastry chefs hired after the one quit in Dec. I just made the cookies. The other chef, which was a great friend of mine at the time, did the rest. I loved working there and hope even after all that has happened (both business and personal ie not getting paid) that they do open back up and wish them the best of luck in the future. If you want to know just ask.

  • mana

    The pastry chef quit in September, not in December. and he did not take any equipment
    The reason why he left is his own brother ( business partner) did not pay his employees, did not pay the rent for the production for months and months and barrowed so much money from so many people without consulting with his business partners and on the top of it he was stealing money from business. That’s the one of the reason the pastry chef left.
    I give so much credit to the first pasty chef at Hereghty dealing with that stupid brother as a partner. I really miss his croissant and danishes he used to make!!!!!

  • lisa

