
Beware of Triad I-40 Signage

We’ve discussed interstate highway signage here before. However no situation in this state is as screwy as the signage and routing of Interstate 40 through Greensboro. For decades Interstate 40 proceeded through a narrow section of road in southeast Greensboro westward by Four Seasons, and onward to Winston-Salem. Over the past decade sections of Greensboro’s perimeter highway, I-840, have opened and now offer travelers many new options.

When the southern half of I-840 opened, all west and southbound traffic on I-40 and I-85 (respectively) was routed onto the new road. In recent months, though, only I-40’s westbound route reverted to the old, much quieter highway.

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The problem lies with Eastbound I-40 traffic. From the gas farm west of Greensboro, I-40’s east bound traffic is guided onto the new perimeter highway. After skirting south Greensboro, it picks up Northbound I-85 traffic and eventually merges back into the old highway on the east side of Greensboro (near Replacements). From the western gateway the old road is labeled 40-Business, and has a green badge.

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There are two important points here. Westbound I-40 traffic is guided to the old highway, while Eastbound I-40 traffic is guided to the new bypass highway. Huh?

map it

Additionally, on the west side of Greensboro, traffic staying on I-40 is instructed to remain in left-hand lanes while exiting traffic (continuing on the old highway) exits to the right. The eventual pathways cross, so the intersection is exactly the same as ours at the Wade Avenue exit on I-40. The big advantage with the interchange’s signage in Greensboro is that only one pathway carries a red and blue interstate badge. The exiting route carries a green badge. Because only one route is clearly marked with a typical interstate badge, it is obvious to drivers which of the two options is correct for staying on the current interstate. A similar situation exists on 421 west of Winston-Salem. Drivers have two options; I-40 (red/blue badge) and 40-business (green badge). For the casual driver, these two interchanges are extremely easy to navigate.

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If the DOT insists upon marking the Wade Ave exit with a “To I-440” badge, they should consider renaming I-440 to “40-Business” and applying green badges. This would allow I-40 traffic to clearly understand the difference between the two roads.


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