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Jimmy John’s Coming to City Plaza

jimmyjohns “Gourmet sandwich” chain Jimmy John’s has signed a lease for space in Raleigh’s new City Plaza on Fayetteville Street. The store and the plaza are expected to open in the late summer.

  • Lew

    Yah – the sub will melt in your hand out there in mid August … could they have honestly used any more hardscape in that pathetic design. Like I said awhile ago they will be ripping that up again in 20 years. Lame lame lame! So unmemorable, so safe, so predictable, so boring. Oh and the big selling point – we can project movies on buildings …. yippieeeeee!

  • Mike

    Very good subs, but I agree with Lew. City Plaze design is simple and pathetic. What happened to the big screen on the side of the new building (as in the rendering of city plaza – let me guess, they cut back on the best feature in city plaza)! Budget was reduced and so was the quality, there will be nothing to do on that space.

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  • mess’o’collards

    I thought these pavilions were designed for retail? Even the N&O today said it was the plaza’s first “retail” tenant. I don’t consider Jimmy John’s to be retail. Its just another sandwich shop amid a sea of sandwich shops that will probably close at 5 pm.

