The Latest in Retail, Entertainment, and Development in Raleigh Mon, 24 Aug 2015 02:32:00 +0000 hourly 1 Sallie Sat, 01 Nov 2008 01:31:36 +0000 Brass Grill is a beautiful building indeed. Don't worry - it's on the radar for a really nice spruce-up - will be here before you know it!

Brass Grill is a beautiful building indeed. Don’t worry – it’s on the radar for a really nice spruce-up – will be here before you know it! Ernest Wed, 29 Oct 2008 12:43:36 +0000 I will check it out, as well.

I will check it out, as well. TSnow27604 Tue, 28 Oct 2008 20:22:32 +0000 Thanks to Ginny's review, I plan on checking this place out. As for the other side conversation going on, I agree that Wilmington St. needs some rehab. The other day I was looking at the generic signs in the windows of the Brass Grill and how bad they looked. I then noticed for the first time that the upper half of the building is covered with ugly painted metal siding (as are many DTR facades.) I love the Brass Grill and they have possibly the greatest mashed potatoes in creation but they can't even display a proper sign. I can't help but think that beneath all of those cheapo sidings are potentially great looking early 20th century buildings and windows waiting to see the light of day.

Thanks to Ginny’s review, I plan on checking this place out. As for the other side conversation going on, I agree that Wilmington St. needs some rehab. The other day I was looking at the generic signs in the windows of the Brass Grill and how bad they looked. I then noticed for the first time that the upper half of the building is covered with ugly painted metal siding (as are many DTR facades.) I love the Brass Grill and they have possibly the greatest mashed potatoes in creation but they can’t even display a proper sign. I can’t help but think that beneath all of those cheapo sidings are potentially great looking early 20th century buildings and windows waiting to see the light of day. Mike Tue, 28 Oct 2008 16:01:25 +0000 I hope they are successful, but that street is ugly (not inviting at all - and this prevents me and my family from going there anymore - Gandolfo's was very good - but location stinks). Sore spot: Sidewalks are awful, actually, sidewalks and streets in downtown are awful (more potholes than any city I know in the Northeast or Midwest). Again, the city needs to get their heads out of their a_ _ es. Need new wider sidewalks in all of downtown (not walker friendly, roots are lifting sidewalks, curbs are cracking, some brick, some cement, looks ugly - take a close look everywhere.

I hope they are successful, but that street is ugly (not inviting at all – and this prevents me and my family from going there anymore – Gandolfo’s was very good – but location stinks).

Sore spot: Sidewalks are awful, actually, sidewalks and streets in downtown are awful (more potholes than any city I know in the Northeast or Midwest).

Again, the city needs to get their heads out of their a_ _ es. Need new wider sidewalks in all of downtown (not walker friendly, roots are lifting sidewalks, curbs are cracking, some brick, some cement, looks ugly – take a close look everywhere. Ginny Tue, 28 Oct 2008 14:19:22 +0000 I ate there this weekend and it was pretty tasty. It offers a good variety. They have a build your own salad bar, they make noodles and sauce with veggies fresh in front of you, and great paninis. The staff was ridiculously friendly. It could take a little while to get your food though since they make everything fresh, but it's worth it.

I ate there this weekend and it was pretty tasty. It offers a good variety. They have a build your own salad bar, they make noodles and sauce with veggies fresh in front of you, and great paninis. The staff was ridiculously friendly. It could take a little while to get your food though since they make everything fresh, but it’s worth it.