
Bobby Flay Coming to Fair Tonight

Bobby_Flay's_Mesa_Grill_Cookbook_book_jacket Celebrity chef Bobby Flay will be appearing in Dorton Arena at 7:30 at the N.C. State Fair. Tickets are $22 and require a general admission ticket for the fair.

I do have to say that Flay’s recipes are the most consistently fabulous of all of the chefs that have gone mainstream in the last 10 years. Try Sophie’s Salad from the Mesa Grill sometime.


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  • a gravatar The Sports Idiot Said:

    Hi Dana,

    I’m a huge fan of Bobby’s. I had the pleasure of eating at Mesa Grill this summer (the day after going to a Yankee’s game). It was fabulous. I had the Mahi-Mahi tacos, which I have since made several times at home. The book has a recipe for an adobe butter that is now a staple item in my fridge. I wish I were in town to have attended.

    Side note, while at Mesa Grill, Rachel Ray came in and ate lunch. She also had the tacos. She looked much better in person than on TV, for what it’s worth.

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