
Historic Commission Hosts Community Character Lecture

Tonight from 7:30 to 9:00, the Raleigh Historic Districts Commission presents “The Economic Benefits of Community Character”. Speaking will be Donovan Rykema (Place Economics) and Pratt Cassity (University of Georgia Center for Community Design and Preservation).

Our community character (the physical, natural, social and cultural elements of our city and its neighborhoods) and the strength of our economy are what consistently make Raleigh one of the ten best places to live in the country. Don Rypkema and Pratt Cassity, both national experts in urban design, historic preservation and economics, will discuss how our priorities for community design and preservation affect our city’s economic future.
Continue the conversation with your friends and neighbors over coffee and dessert after the lecture.

The event takes place a the Long View Center, 118 S. Person Street, Raleigh .


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