
GlutenFree Raleigh

For those with Celiac Disease , eating out can be like exploring a minefield. Thankfully, Zach over at Gluten-Free Raleigh is compiling information to help those in the area. The site is young, but contains restaurant and grocery reviews and warnings, along with additional gluten-free resources.

One can also find the link to Gluten-Free Raleigh in the “Local Links” section of the right sidebar on this page.


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  • a gravatar TSnow27604 Said:

    There is a place called Rosie’s Plate over here on the 700 block of NoPe (North Person St., I’m seeing if I can get this name to catch on) that serves prepared meals that are gluten, peanut, and shellfish free. They have a website and it looks pretty good though I haven’t tried it yet.

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