
Get Graffiti Removed

CB047531 With the growing problem of gang activity in the area, the associated graffiti problems must be addressed. The city’s stance is that removal of graffiti within the first 24 hours is the best way to prevent future graffiti. Before any graffiti removal begins take a photograph for local law enforcement as evidence. The photo may provide information that will lead to identification of the vandal.

If you spot graffiti, photo it and either reported it by calling 831-6001 or email .

Note: The above info regards graffiti in city areas. For graffiti seen on state-maintained roads, such I-440, I-40, and I-540, call 447-2914 .



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  • a gravatar tony hawk Said:

    Yeah! No Banksy on our town!

    And let’s put anti-skateboarding pegs on all benches and curbs.

  • a gravatar CarnifeX Said:

    Another strategy would be to provide a place (similar to the “Free Expression Tunnel” at NCSU) for the real artists to showcase their talents. A properly done tag can be quite nice.

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