The Latest in Retail, Entertainment, and Development in Raleigh Mon, 24 Aug 2015 02:32:00 +0000 hourly 1» Blog Archive » City Council Approves Amphitheater Plan Funding Tue, 04 Aug 2009 20:32:26 +0000 [...] the Raleigh City Council approved funding for final plans for the (previously mentioned) downtown amphitheater. The funding will go toward design and noise studies (NIMBYs in Boylan Heights are concerned about [...]

[…] the Raleigh City Council approved funding for final plans for the (previously mentioned) downtown amphitheater. The funding will go toward design and noise studies (NIMBYs in Boylan Heights are concerned about […] Ben Wed, 28 May 2008 21:30:12 +0000 Get him some cheese. Well said, Ashton.

Get him some cheese.

Well said, Ashton. Ron T Wed, 28 May 2008 17:37:50 +0000 How is one to comment on Dana's post and include anything other than "wow, great"..."oooooh wonderful" and it not be whining? I need to know since I had thought I was merely posting a thought, I did not realize I was whining. And I don't appreciate having my comment dismissed as such.

How is one to comment on Dana’s post and include anything other than “wow, great”…”oooooh wonderful” and it not be whining? I need to know since I had thought I was merely posting a thought, I did not realize I was whining. And I don’t appreciate having my comment dismissed as such. seekthesummit Wed, 28 May 2008 13:45:01 +0000 i agree 100% ashton. without ron and jerry there i'll have more room to dance. win-win.

i agree 100% ashton. without ron and jerry there i’ll have more room to dance. win-win. Larry Tue, 27 May 2008 20:51:59 +0000 I think this is a great ideal!!

I think this is a great ideal!! Lisa Jeffries Tue, 27 May 2008 20:45:35 +0000 Sir Walter Chevrolet? Am I missing a joke or something here?

Sir Walter Chevrolet? Am I missing a joke or something here? Ashton Tue, 27 May 2008 18:58:25 +0000 The news is from the Planning Commission and has been rumored for some time now - I think WRAL is running a story on it tonight as well. As far as noise - I'm certain that this venue will be subject to noise ordinances, just like the rest of Raleigh. If Downtown Live doesn't bother you - I'm sure this won't either. Furthermore, Dix is a great idea - I'll give you that. But not only do we not own that land - we are a LONG way from owning that land. And no one has turned down the notion that IF we ever get access to the property, IF we raise the money, and IF it is purchased, and IF it is zoned to hold a venue like this, that it could not support something similar. But realistically, if everything else fell into place, you're looking at something in, at best, 5 years. Which coincidentally would work out well since this is not even a permanent structure. I think this is an awesome location - not next to any real 'neighborhoods', walkable to great bars and restaurants, and still well inside (a rapidly expanding) downtown proper. It is strange to me that people who want so much for downtown managed to so quickly turn an awesome piece of news into something else to whine about...

The news is from the Planning Commission and has been rumored for some time now – I think WRAL is running a story on it tonight as well.

As far as noise – I’m certain that this venue will be subject to noise ordinances, just like the rest of Raleigh. If Downtown Live doesn’t bother you – I’m sure this won’t either.

Furthermore, Dix is a great idea – I’ll give you that. But not only do we not own that land – we are a LONG way from owning that land. And no one has turned down the notion that IF we ever get access to the property, IF we raise the money, and IF it is purchased, and IF it is zoned to hold a venue like this, that it could not support something similar. But realistically, if everything else fell into place, you’re looking at something in, at best, 5 years. Which coincidentally would work out well since this is not even a permanent structure.

I think this is an awesome location – not next to any real ‘neighborhoods’, walkable to great bars and restaurants, and still well inside (a rapidly expanding) downtown proper.

It is strange to me that people who want so much for downtown managed to so quickly turn an awesome piece of news into something else to whine about… Jerry Tue, 27 May 2008 18:37:48 +0000 I agree, Dix property is the location for this. If I can hear the sounds from inside a restaurant, I am not spending my money downtown. Put this at Dix with the skyline as the backdrop (connected by a overhead bridge from hotel to dix property). This is a pathetic location, what the heck are they thinking!

I agree, Dix property is the location for this. If I can hear the sounds from inside a restaurant, I am not spending my money downtown. Put this at Dix with the skyline as the backdrop (connected by a overhead bridge from hotel to dix property). This is a pathetic location, what the heck are they thinking! Pete R. Tue, 27 May 2008 18:10:15 +0000 Thunderdome

Thunderdome Ron T Tue, 27 May 2008 17:53:49 +0000 Seems like a bad idea to me. I love a lively downtown, but walking around hearing the echos from a not distant enough show is not my idea of interesting urban's noise. I think somewhere like Dix makes more sense. As for the name, I assume it will be mostly financed by taxpayers, but named by a corporation willing to pony up some cash too.

Seems like a bad idea to me. I love a lively downtown, but walking around hearing the echos from a not distant enough show is not my idea of interesting urban sounds…it’s noise. I think somewhere like Dix makes more sense. As for the name, I assume it will be mostly financed by taxpayers, but named by a corporation willing to pony up some cash too. Chris Tue, 27 May 2008 16:49:48 +0000 Thanks for the news. Out of curiosity, where did you hear it? I find it kinda hard to believe and actually think this might be more appropriately used somewhere at dix.... mainly for scale and flexibility sake.

Thanks for the news. Out of curiosity, where did you hear it? I find it kinda hard to believe and actually think this might be more appropriately used somewhere at dix…. mainly for scale and flexibility sake.