The Latest in Retail, Entertainment, and Development in Raleigh Wed, 08 Jun 2016 04:39:31 +0000 hourly 1 albert Tue, 17 Mar 2009 16:23:06 +0000 It looks like Charter Square North has stalled. They just capped all the rebar that we sticking out at the ground level. They also removed the tower crane from Charter Square North. South is still 2 levels below ground and under constuction with a concrete pour this morning.

It looks like Charter Square North has stalled. They just capped all the rebar that we sticking out at the ground level. They also removed the tower crane from Charter Square North. South is still 2 levels below ground and under constuction with a concrete pour this morning.» Blog Archive » Charter Square Begins Marketing Push Sat, 13 Sep 2008 16:57:56 +0000 [...] Previous info on Charter Square addthis_url = ''; addthis_title = 'Charter+Square+Begins+Marketing+Push'; addthis_pub = ''; --> [...]

[…] Previous info on Charter Square addthis_url = ‘’; addthis_title = ‘Charter+Square+Begins+Marketing+Push’; addthis_pub = ”; –> […] dbearhug Wed, 19 Mar 2008 02:31:22 +0000 I thought so, but when I went to their website there was the old rendering. Thanks!

I thought so, but when I went to their website there was the old rendering. Thanks! Dana Tue, 18 Mar 2008 21:06:26 +0000 That's right, dbearhug. J Davis did the design and Clancy & Theys is the general contractor.

That’s right, dbearhug. J Davis did the design and Clancy & Theys is the general contractor. dbearhug Tue, 18 Mar 2008 20:31:59 +0000 By the way, who is the architectural firm that is doing this project? I thought it was J Davis, but then again, I could be wrong. Thanks!

By the way, who is the architectural firm that is doing this project? I thought it was J Davis, but then again, I could be wrong. Thanks! Ron T Tue, 18 Mar 2008 14:18:10 +0000 I think both buildings look great. They are more up to date than a lot of the towers downtown and have focused on having retail on the first floor. I used to live in DC and despite the lack of skyscrapers, the downtown is thriving and has come back greatly. Do we really want to walk in the shadow of 50-60 story buildings? I would love to see one or two go up downtown, but think that a broad skyline with reasonably sized buildings will ultimately make for a better pedestrian experience.

I think both buildings look great. They are more up to date than a lot of the towers downtown and have focused on having retail on the first floor. I used to live in DC and despite the lack of skyscrapers, the downtown is thriving and has come back greatly. Do we really want to walk in the shadow of 50-60 story buildings? I would love to see one or two go up downtown, but think that a broad skyline with reasonably sized buildings will ultimately make for a better pedestrian experience. dbearhug Tue, 18 Mar 2008 02:37:34 +0000 My vote is to tear down the old Wachovia Building and First Citizens and go high-rise there. There's some potential on those sites if you ask me. Just a thought.

My vote is to tear down the old Wachovia Building and First Citizens and go high-rise there. There’s some potential on those sites if you ask me. Just a thought. Mark Mon, 17 Mar 2008 21:37:48 +0000 Raleigh simply can't support a bunch Soleils in its downtown. There are something on the order of 100 parking lots in downtown still. I will take a good street level experience any day over tower-beside-parking lot. Besides, a city full of skyscrapers is not all that pleasant an experience...its windy, dark, and not 'livable'. Super-skyscrapers are primarily office structures with lunch joints. They do not make a neighborhood. Manhattan in 1900 had 1 Million more people than it does today, so there really no reason why row after row of midrises can't be a highly effieceint use of land.

Raleigh simply can’t support a bunch Soleils in its downtown. There are something on the order of 100 parking lots in downtown still. I will take a good street level experience any day over tower-beside-parking lot. Besides, a city full of skyscrapers is not all that pleasant an experience…its windy, dark, and not ‘livable’. Super-skyscrapers are primarily office structures with lunch joints. They do not make a neighborhood. Manhattan in 1900 had 1 Million more people than it does today, so there really no reason why row after row of midrises can’t be a highly effieceint use of land. TONY Mon, 17 Mar 2008 20:41:58 +0000 It took three firms to come up with this? Wow! Agree, where is the movie theater, where is a two story Barnes and Noble, why not have a second floor of retail and restaurants (with balconies), overlooking street activity. Again, no vision, just a box like configuration (the attitude seems to be: well, it's a new building and we are filling a void/empty lot - we cannot settle for "it's better than nothing", especially if we want to be a 21st century city - the term I hear much too often by city council - by no means does this design reflect 21st century city (and a few other buildings under construction in downtown do not reflect 21st century city). ****The Soleil Center has set the standard, anything less than this building is not acceptable***

It took three firms to come up with this? Wow!
Agree, where is the movie theater, where is a two story Barnes and Noble, why not have a second floor of retail and restaurants (with balconies), overlooking street activity.
Again, no vision, just a box like configuration (the attitude seems to be: well, it’s a new building and we are filling a void/empty lot – we cannot settle for “it’s better than nothing”, especially if we want to be a 21st century city – the term I hear much too often by city council – by no means does this design reflect 21st century city (and a few other buildings under construction in downtown do not reflect 21st century city).

****The Soleil Center has set the standard, anything less than this building is not acceptable*** Ernest Mon, 17 Mar 2008 19:44:57 +0000 Site One has been a mixed bag for me. For one, I like this project's urban form. I also like the design of the buildings, even though it is nothing memorable. Just like Tony, I am not happy with the height and I would have been ecstatic if the 3 developers involved truly acted like 3 companies and delivered something big. I can see one developer giving us this project, but three developers should have come up with something better. I am sure that the underground parking deck didn't present issues for going taller. Oh well, if this project is successful, then I anticipate more developers to jump into the opportunity to develop Sites 2 and 3, hopefully with something more iconic and definitely taller.

Site One has been a mixed bag for me. For one, I like this project’s urban form. I also like the design of the buildings, even though it is nothing memorable. Just like Tony, I am not happy with the height and I would have been ecstatic if the 3 developers involved truly acted like 3 companies and delivered something big. I can see one developer giving us this project, but three developers should have come up with something better. I am sure that the underground parking deck didn’t present issues for going taller.

Oh well, if this project is successful, then I anticipate more developers to jump into the opportunity to develop Sites 2 and 3, hopefully with something more iconic and definitely taller. Leo Mon, 17 Mar 2008 19:23:44 +0000 Tony, I sort of agree with you. Should of been taller but I'm really happy with these photos, I like what I see. There is also plenty of space left for signature level towers in and around downtown. Being right on Fayetteville St. the focus should be the pedestrian and clearly these towers do just that. A 50 story building seems to focus on what is inside and that can be placed somewhere else, perhaps near some transit, which this location clearly does not have, not yet anyway.

Tony, I sort of agree with you. Should of been taller but I’m really happy with these photos, I like what I see. There is also plenty of space left for signature level towers in and around downtown.

Being right on Fayetteville St. the focus should be the pedestrian and clearly these towers do just that. A 50 story building seems to focus on what is inside and that can be placed somewhere else, perhaps near some transit, which this location clearly does not have, not yet anyway. TONY Mon, 17 Mar 2008 15:10:26 +0000 Who cares about cascading? This block should say signature structure all over it (15 and 20 stories, again, waste of land). This site along with Site 2 and 3 should have buildings that are 40 floors minimum. How many times must we say, go up, not out! We hear their strategy, but it never makes since. All future buildings need to be 40 floors and above, city council needs to start getting in gear, we continue to ruin great real estate in the heart of downtown.

Who cares about cascading?
This block should say signature structure all over it (15 and 20 stories, again, waste of land). This site along with Site 2 and 3 should have buildings that are 40 floors minimum. How many times must we say, go up, not out! We hear their strategy, but it never makes since. All future buildings need to be 40 floors and above, city council needs to start getting in gear, we continue to ruin great real estate in the heart of downtown. VaNC Mon, 17 Mar 2008 15:06:04 +0000 I wonder what ever happened with the possibility of a movie theater in this building? I, for one, would LOVE to see a movie theater downtown.

I wonder what ever happened with the possibility of a movie theater in this building? I, for one, would LOVE to see a movie theater downtown.