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Dane Cook Coming to RBC Center

danecook On November 8 Dane Cook will be coming to the RBC Center. Tickets go on sale at Ticketmaster outlets on Friday morning at 10am.

  • Rex

    Jokeless comedian…

  • Eric

    Is it me or is Dane Cook just awful?? I think he’s one stand up that just annoys me and isn’t even funny.

  • Dana

    I have to say that I heard about Dane Cook and listened to his first CD while I was working on computers in the office one Friday night. I was laughing so hard I was crying at some points. Ever since then, though, I haven’t thought any of his material was funny. I haven’t gone back to listen to that first CD again to see if it just struck me funny that one night or if it really was that funny.

    Todd at http://www.idontlikeyouinthatway.com/ wrote about his disdain for Cook’s comedy. He wrote that he’d laugh harder if he watched his mother being gang-raped by a bunch of bears, than if he saw a Dane Cook show. That’s had me chuckling for about 3 weeks now.

  • steelcity36

    Paula Poundstone is better than this guy!

  • Lew

    I dunno – when he gets it right … I think he is hillarious!

  • arturo

    then he must never get it right. he is absolutely atrocious.

  • Subway Scoundrel

    I think he is OK but I will not drop $80 or whatever to go see him. That said, I think “Employee of the Month” is a funny movie. For the simpleton but sometimes, that is what you need.

