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Hard Wok’s Luck Runs Out

The Hard Wok Buffet on Glenwood Avenue (second floor – Pleasant Valley Promenade) has closed.

  • anon

    Pretty sure that’s been closed a few months… The signs been down for some time.

  • Isaac

    Good God, that was a horrible place. It felt like I would get food poisoning just sitting down in that place.

  • Tony

    Not a lose, that place was dirty and the food was below average

  • Subway Scoundrel

    I went up there a while ago. Not to eat but to go to the rug place beside it. Not sure about the food and if it was bad but I still think places like that that are no right on the road have a hard time in Raleigh. We just are not as urban as we think we are or would like to be.

  • VaNC

    How is that “urban” when it is in a strip mall in the burbs?

  • Isaac

    Uh, I’m not sure that it counts as the burbs when you are located almost exactly in the middle of the city on a major street.

  • orulz

    The wife and I take dancing lessons at Step To Gold, also on the second floor at Pleasant Valley Promenade. I went to Hard Wok a few times in college, maybe 8 or so years ago, and remember it being tolerable (as in, better than Ten Ten.) I kept suggesting to her that we visit Hard Wok after our lesson, but I guess that’s out of the question now.

