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Bravo Coming to TWC

bravo It’s been a long time coming, but the much-requested Bravo channel is coming to Time Warner Cable’s local service on December 31. The channel will be carried in SD on channel 72, replacing the Standard Tier location of Inspiration/EWTN (These channels will continue to be carried on 195 and 194, respectively).


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  • Chris Said:

    Why not just go ahead and add BravoHD when adding the SD channel?

    TWC makes no sense.

  • CarnifeX Said:

    $$$$ y’all.

  • Cherie Said:

    About time! I had Bravo on my TWC Cable when I lived in Charlotte, but when we moved here 5 years ago, I called TWC to ask why it wasn’t in the lineup here. I can’t believe it took them so long.

  • Chuck Said:

    I’m glad they finally got it, but I wish someone would give an explanation as to why this very popular channel, available in almost every other TWC region, hasn’t been offered her before now??

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