City Requests Input on Downtown Parking Plan
The City of Raleigh is seeking comments from citizens regarding downtown parking issues. A public input forum will be held on Aug. 26 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the city council chamber on the second floor of the City Hall. (222 W. Hargett St.)
A draft report of the Master Plan by the City’s parking consultant is linked below. The report includes key observations and recommendations on the City’s parking operations and resources. Interested citizens are invited to study the draft report in preparation for the Aug. 26 forum.
The parking study is nearing completion after a consultant has been working with City staff and the City’s Downtown Parking Task Force. The Downtown Parking Task Force wants to hear comments from the public before the study is presented to the City Council in October.
On the following day, August 27, the final meeting of the Downtown Parking Task Force will be from 8:30-11:30am at City Hall, room 305.
City of Raleigh
Parking & Transportation Master Plan
- Report Cover
- Introduction (4 pages)
- Notes from Task Force Meetings (6 pages)
- Task I: Project Management & General Scope (1 page)
- Task II: Review of Background Documentation Relating to Current Conditions (36 pages)
- Task III: Review of Transit System and Transportation Demand Management (16 pages)
- Task IV: Inventory of Parking System Capacity (12 pages)
- Task V: Assessment of Current Parking System Utilization (50 pages)
- Task VI: Supply/Demand Analysis and Projection of Future Parking Needs (20 pages)
- Task VII: Development of Supply Side Solutions (26 pages)
- Task VIII: Development of Demand Side Solutions (5 pages)
- Task IX: Parking System Management Analysis (39 pages)
- Task X: Development of Public Information Tools (18 pages)